Gorka is looking

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Goka is looking for a painting of friend Lok. Lok was the human with traveler's staff that played dragon poker at the big gathering where I made so many friends.

I Painted the portrait and now that Lok is gone I'd like to have it to give to his family. I would have been with his spell book and other possessions.

Gorka will Make replacement painting for you. Or if you have any information I pay with painting.

Lok was good to Gorka and saved my life before like so many of you had. I just want remembrance of him.

My condolences for the loss of your friend, Gorka. I do believe I played a few hands of dragon poker with him at some point during the massed gather. I have not seen a painting end up in our lands, nor know of anyone that might have purchased it from this corner of the mist. There were few of us that traveled specifically from these lands and I do not remember others from my group having reported the purchase of a portrait. I wish you luck in seeking its owner and hope you manage to track it down soon.

Loken Raleigh
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