Grade the May 30th event!

Grade the event!

  • A+

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • A

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • A-

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • B+

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • B

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • B-

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • C+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • C-

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I think this is the 3rd event I was actually afraid my character was going to Rez. I am getting too comfortable in my skin and its awsome that plot kept me on my proverbial toes. Lets face it as soon as I walked in game 3 vampires came gunning for me...LITERALLY! I was like holy Sh@t! I should have stayed home! LOL....and it pretty much kept going that way all weekend...

Talk about thinking on your feet........and all the choices and how our actions had diffrent consequences......I felt like we controlled our fate ...excellent excellent event!

Onitt H
I gave it an A+. Scott Kondrk and the Plot team delivered. No question. For the first time in a long time, I felt like we (the PCs) might have bitten off more than we could chew (no vampire pun intended!).

I was very tired and not feeling well when I got to the sight on Friday and I planned to go to bed very early, around 11:00 pm. I ended up getting to bed at 3:30 am. The plotline was for this event was excellent. Giving the PCs the opportunity to choose between Lochaber or Arienne was awesome. The hostage demand by the Vacarran pirates was also great. I really feel like the overall story arcs connect between events which gives the game tremendous depth and continuity. Stuff that seems random suddenly makes sense several events later. Kudos to the Plot team and their outstanding creative skills.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
This event was entirely RP heavy and fighting heavy. With the very fact that, as an NPC, I was told 'there are craven everywhere. If there is downtime, and you're up for it, pull a card from this box. Grab treasure. And go make the woods truly swarm'. That alone, for me, made the event RP heavy from a fighting angle: There were -truly- vampires everywhere. Also, watching the incredible RP of the PCs that resulted from the stress of non-stop action was exceptional. Knowing that every time I appeared as a 'scourge of the land' I contributed to the complete immersion atmosphere made me feel great.

Incredible weekend. I didn't stop moving from 8am till the sun came up, max of 6 hours sleep. I feel that I truly got to exert myself at the level I am able and -wanting- to exert myself. A+

I gave the event a B-. I have had more fun at other events and I think that is probably due to the pc/npc ratio and how involved i made myself in the weekend story arc (all things uncontrollable by plot). However, this was also the second time this year that I felt as if i couldn't actually be effective because of the APL or something and I am lvl 10 so i feel really bad for the people who are even lower. Maybe that is because of my slighly broken soon to be fixed in the new edition class... but ...just saying....

Again, there are always things i could do to make myself effective, I am just saying, i know some lower level people who really just felt like helping was impossible. yes, pulling bodies during battles and healing is one way to remain helpful, but with a single hit they themselves die, so i heard grumbling. there was also a strange seemingly mod hook that ended up being nothing but labor for the site with no reward, and though i am happy to help, i did feel like i missed the actual game while i did so.

other than that, the weather was both a bitch and a godsend with rain and heat and a nice breeze and a cold night, and all the dust the dry ground kicked up caked in my mouth as we fought.

The site, though, looks better every time I come, and the stocks are an awesome edition.

The npcs i did interact with were amazing, and the plot I had a chance to touch upon was very enjoyable.

don't get me wrong, i had fun, but just for me, personally, I have had more fun at other events.

I think scott wrote an awesome, interactive, plot. I probably should have just said, screw my character development and lets get involved with it. curse my timing.
I had a blast! A+

It seemed like there was always something to do, and if there wasn't, we made something happen! As a Healer there was never a time that I didn't feel effective, even if my weapon didn't do squat. RP was great too. Then there's the fact that I just love Vampires...

Hands down one of my favorite events of all time. Oddly, though the things we were facing were rough, the APL was the lowest of the season so far. I didn't see the stat cards this go 'round, but I'm guessing based on what I saw that although they were still swinging some heavy damage, they had less body, as they seemed to go down a little easier than I expected, didn't rip from things I though they would have, and dodged/phased spells that I expected to just be poppers.

The unscaled Arienne battle was amazing. I was scared $h1tless for most of it, and I missed that feeling. I have to agree with Elissa... I was immersed the entire weekend. There was not one point in my brain where I was thinking about OOG things or other random topics. I'm not even sure what side arcs were going on, because I was so focused on the task at hand. The NPCs were a huge part of that - their roleplay was rockin.

I didn't see a ton of fishbowls, but again, I was super focused. I know there were modules going on that I did not partake in however, so awesome for that.

All told, an A+ weekend for me.
I gave the event a B-. Tho I had a lot of fun, there were some issue to me that took away from the overall enjoyment of the weekend. That is not to say I didn't have a blast, cuz I did.

To echo Dan's comments at closing cerimonies it was not a good combat weekend. From rules issues, to head shots, and low shots, just generaly a mess. Now the npc-s this weekend were top notch, grade a kick *** people so I am not kocking them, but the fact remains that this wasn't the example we would want to show others, from either side of the event.

Everyone knew going into the event its a big vampire weekend. However at 17th lvl I would have been usles if I didn't have the tresure for spelcrafting. to echo rob's comments a lower level character would have had a lot of issues participating in combat this weekend. There were a LOT of "shut down" affects. Just about everything i encountered had either a carrier that was a shut down, a packet shout down, or both. I know that at 2am or so, saturday night, after the 7th or so round of random damage with fears, paralisys, and elemental damage was getting to the point were the ability to continue fighting for those who were willing was getting pritty slim. I know it was going to be a hard weekend, and I like that, but at some points it feelt more like punishment.

Now for the good stuff. The plot was awesome. The writing that went into this weekend was awesome. The charqacter interactions I had were awesome. The plot responces I got are amazing. RP wise one of the best weekends I have had in a while, ecpecialy scince I only get to PC 2-3 times a year. I think more RP encounters to remind us of the devestation, and of what we have to do and a little less constant damage wearing us down would have made this an A weekend for me.
Caldaria Staff
Caldaria Rules Marshal
this also perpetuates the treasure gap between the lowbies and the highbies.. lowbie goes out.. normal dmg doesn't hurt the monster.. spells are phased or resisted.. lowbie goes back to cabin to not die.. highbie is left to kill monster. highbie takes treasure.

i think the nubmer of monsters was fine. or could even have been increased without a strain on the PCs (npcs permitting) but with less shut downs on them so that mid to low levlers could at least feel like they were aloowed to play. when the call came down from the nobles at saturday nights battle that anyone in thier wards should stay there... we did.. and we went to bed... so.. there's us.. sleeping.. fun.
Yeah, I gave the event a C. While I had fun with some of the RP I got to do, I rarely got to feel like I was actually participating or contributing during battle. I couldn't really go out during the day, because there were almost always NPCs wandering around that I just couldn't hurt. In fact, every time I left the tavern, there were vampires calling "no effect" to me. Only time I really tried was in wave battles where I could be a shield for someone's sword-side.

As a level 9, I felt like there was no need for me to actually be there. I also felt trapped in the tavern because of the dangers outside. Which, it's cool that the whole place was dangerous, but there's only one direction to go from the tavern, and that's down the hill if you wanna stay in game. I can't sneak off around the other side and still be in game, there's nothing off to the other side, the tavern is the end. The dangers were coming right to our doorstep, and I couldn't do anything about it. Although, that's not to say I didn't try. I did fight, I did fall down a whole lot, and I got infected quite a few times. At least I only rezz'd once, but still...

I had fun interacting with my friends, but I didn't leave with the usual feel of how fun the action was. I gave it a C because I had half a good time as a fighter.
I gave the event an A- but the less than perfect grade had nothing to do with the fact that scotts plot kick serious butt. This was a weekend of adventure and doom. I had a great time with it. When I think about this event and about the comments of there being vampires everywhere, I think to myself "DUH!" I know this is going to sound obnoxious, but from the very get go there was no decpetion that this weekend was going to be a serious, dangerous even deadly fight. On in the in game boards several characters stated the fact that it would not be looked upon as cowardly to not be in attendance. We were thoroughly warned that this wasn't going to be easy. Now I'm not saying that people shouldn't be allowed to be there if they wanted to, but if you knew ahead of time it wasn't going to be easy, to be suprised when you get there and it wasn't easy. not intended to offend, but i'll take any flame if you feel its needed.

I had a blast working with my teach and killing undead, Dealing with the scary thrill of fighting Areinne and the freightful possibile "Obliteration" ...SCARY... and I liked it. My character has a developed hatred of vampires even before this specific event, and it was a amazing to be able to killing them. there were times when I thought, when are they going to stop coming, and then I would remember again, that these things are just endless in number. Thank you NPCs for making it feel like there were endless amounts of you.

I will say one of the things I enjoyed but was also a bit disapointing was searching a good 15-20 acres of land searching for anything resembling a cave. We found several that looked like promising possibilities turned out to be duds. Should be fun in further searches.

Overall I had a blast.
I gave this event a C, and i would say that it was mostly my fault and lack of involvement because i was hurt, however when i was able to fight i couldn't effect anything. It was very discouraging, sunday i thought after having stayed in all night i would be able to do something with almost a full boat of healing but that was not the case. I ended up back in the circle rezing ppl and i think we counted something close to 9 deaths this weekend. Rp, was serious and exhausting, the gravity of the situation kept the entire moral of the town low and a bubbly mystic wood elf soon became tired and cranky. Todd i know you asked me how it was going and i will tell you i wasn't lying when i said good, but things got worse. However i had a great time with Ichmos and also felt like there was a lot of character development for me. I will say it did seem like there were alot more NPCs than there were and i certainly would not have taken a walk by myself anywhere. Good plot stuff, and an interesting story arc, but maybe a lowbie mod would have made us feel a little less worthless. All in all thanks for the weekend guys and i'm so excited to npc again for the next one.
I am still trying to decide how I feel about this past two events (NJ and then HQ). I know that I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I know that at times I was very scared. I know that I had a lot of challenges to work through which was great. The RP among PCs and NPCs was awesome. However, when I try to muster up some feeling/thought to sum up my experience I am left with nadda, my mind is a blank. I think I am all pooped out! I think that these past two amazing events have completely tuckered me out mentally, emotionally and physically. I gave my all and then more that I thought I didn't have until I was numb and still I was out there playing the game. Now that is what I call hard core plot and gaming -- when it sucks the life out of you!

Aven is a ~20th lvl. She swings a decent amount of damage. However, after having my silver weapon shattered on Friday night and only swinging normal (except when I could use an earth aura weapon) I really wasn't all that effective on the battle field. Yeah it kinda sucked feeling that way at times... so I can understand how some of you felt that way with the scaling. However--we had an artisan, fighter and templar who were 10th level or lower using those earth auras and they kicked ***. I think that we PCs can help our low level brethren out by giving them the resources they need to kick ***. Then I think it would make the game completely different for them in situations like this.

It was awesome seeing the earth casters kick major ***. I loved seeing them take down things with their earth storms. OMG the earth bow and archery was just awesome especially with the domain of the defiled! We need more archers with earth auras.

I gave an A. I felt that the game had a solid plot line. It was something that one could follow without too much difficulty or past knowledge. I was really impressed by how much the PCs could influence and mold the plot and make significant decisions that had a direct impact as to what would happen. I am excited to see the future ramifications to what was done. I loved the NPC characters and how they interacted with us. I really enjoyed the battles even when I couldn't really affect things, I could help defend people, I could parry, I could drag bodies. It was scary and cool and it felt good when we won.

The wave battle with just Locaber was awesome. I actually got to use all my slays on him. First time for that! Thanks Scott for taking on the town solo (and then with a few friends). It was so depressing going to bed that night realizing we had just been milked dry and had to still get up and fight the next morning and win.

The last wave battle was depressing. It wasn't depressing because it was was horrible battle or anything like that. It was depressing because Vex squad had 1 parry, 1 COP, 1 shun, 4 life spells, 1 break command and 1 cure light for all 7 of us! We knew going into that battle that we couldn't fail. We knew that we had to do what it took to destroy the obelisk. I didn't think we would do it. My moral was very low. But we did it. We worked really hard and I was so proud of everyone IG. It was awesome seeing the gypsy curses that Glorianna put on Arianne. It was awesome hearing her and then Ignatius' speeches to Locaber. It was so cool to see the NPCs reactions. I was thoroughly impressed.

So even though I feel empty and numb and tired. I absolutely loved the back-to-back events that broke me.

Thank you to all who made it a reality.

I gave the event a B overall.

Walking into an event like this as a relatively low level character, and a dual-class character at that (lvl 10 celestial templar), I never expect to be combat effective -- so I can't say I got cranky when I pump the majority of my evoke into an NPC and see it all get phased, dodged, or even taken and they're still standing. If anything, it inspired me to buy 14 gold worth of scrolls which me and the Vex Squad used the following day. :p

Also being a low level character who isn't entirely combat effective, I try to balance it off with roleplay. I got a lot of awesome roleplay from the PCs this weekend (and I thank you all for that), but there weren't too many opportunities to roleplay with NPCs -- i.e., fishbowls, mods, etc. I think that partially might be because Sevaria is relatively new to Fairdale and isn't heavily invested in the plotline, but it's food for thought all the same.

However, having a character who is not heavily invested in the HQ plotline yet did not stop me from seriously enjoying this weekend. Hey, nothing says 'town bonding' like destroying vampires! The town that ressurects together, stays together. :D

For the amount of NPCs staff had, and many of them being new, you guys were showing your hardcore juice. I only made a brief trip to the darkside to swing some pipe, but it was awesome seeing everyone working smoothly and wanting this weekend just as badly as the PCs.

Can't wait to see you guys soon! I'll be missing next event, but you'll have your cranky wild elf back in July. :)
Rob Graves wrote" this also perpetuates the treasure gap between the lowbies and the highbies.. lowbie goes out.. normal dmg doesn't hurt the monster.. spells are phased or resisted.. lowbie goes back to cabin to not die.. highbie is left to kill monster. highbie takes treasure.

i think the nubmer of monsters was fine. or could even have been increased without a strain on the PCs (npcs permitting) but with less shut downs on them so that mid to low levlers could at least feel like they were aloowed to play. when the call came down from the nobles at saturday nights battle that anyone in thier wards should stay there... we did.. and we went to bed... so.. there's us.. sleeping.. fun."

Listen Rob I am a highbie and I got little treasure out of this weekend. I like treasure as much as the next person but for me it was about the story.....Treasure is nice but being able to help save the town.. thats the sweet spot. I didnt have time to pick up too much.. I was busy dispeling people , giving protectives and back packing front liners when I managed to pick something up I wound up giving to a healer for healing, and to the fighter in front of me who helped me out. I think I kept about 2 gold in silver with a few coppers for the weekend and a stick (a common reagent).

I saw a few rits scrolls out there but I was too busy trying to keep myself and my comrades alive.

But I do understand your point. Its nice to get something in your pocket too. I respect that.

Onitt - aka Sym the other white meat with pointy ears!
I'm with Onitt on this one. I am sure there was treasure out there... but we didn't see much of it, and with one exception my team is all lv 20+. The stuff we -did- find all went to solving the weekend (the DFM scroll, the components...). My character could have given a rat-poop about treasure this weekend.

Some weekends you score big treasure, some weekends you use a ton, and some you break even. *shrug* This weekend I blew nearly 30g to be able to make my character more effective (spellcrafting and vorpal arrows). There have been other weekends where I walked away 30g+ richer (ps - I was like level 10 that weekend of treasure goodness). Sometimes you get lucky.

I guess my point in all this rambling was... treasure doesn't always go to the high levels. Though I must admit I had to laugh when Scott pulled the APL for our module:

27, 24, 22, 22, 20..... and 8. :lol:
If you want treasure head out into the field. The grass seems to swallow the coins up as soon as you drop it. I think I personally dropped about 3 gold worth during my deaths.
The grass definately held treasure, I pulled atleast 5 gold out of the grass after the final wavebattle Sunday, and at least 3 sticks during the course of it. I had a great time during the event, I may have dumped almost everything from SAturday logistics within two hours after getting them, but I had a great time doing so. And as for lowbies, we had arelatively brand new player with us, she had about a level 4-5 player. Our group saw to it that she was able to swing magic with both her hands against the undead so that she could have fun. I know I also spellcrafted an earth aura onto antoher person in my group that without it would have been useless this event. Yes there were alot of monsters un afected by normal, but there are plenty of people that are able to help others get around that through spellcrafting and such. Event = A for me.
I agree with Kotual. I gave the event an A. Though I was an unarmored fighter which made me nigh useless against carrier attacks, I found a way to be helpful on the battlefield. Besides, what with how awesome the NPCs looked and how great the atmosphere was I spent more time marveling at the game than fighting.
i really liked the npc costumes. the vamipre guard people rolling around with bacon face was really something.
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