Grade the May event

Grade the May event

  • A+

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • A

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • A-

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • B+

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • B

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • B-

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • C+

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • C

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • C-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
To Dave, Emily, and anyone else who provided feedback-

Thank you guys very much for your opinions. It is helpful to the plot team to know what went felt wrong from the player's perspective in order to properly adjust for next time. I trust the Plot Team moving forward, as a lot of the things that were mentioned I take responsibility for (including the prelogistics wave battle).

Thank you,
A + from me.

I loved the fact that there was several low level stuff that went out. I was on one that would have made my whole way I look at battle and mods in the game better, it was a training one with a welth of information that after playing for 3 years I still lernt a lot on (thank you Tabb).

I had an epic failure, circus acrobatics, pure dumb luck, and epic triupph. all this making it very fun.
although there were private meetings, stuff like the regent getting all the mods organized and handed out helped draw people back into the plot.

The amount of Mods made it so that those not in big important groups at least got to go on some.

Moveing the saterday wave battle inside after the wave battle was hard but a much better Idear than making the NPCs stay out there while the PC's slowly vanished. It was also much better than cutting it short.

this was an epic ending to a long war.
B+ from me.

First, part of what happened with the sequestered nobles meeting was my fault. When they wanted to question me I asked that those of non noble standing be kept away. Thats what started that. After I left the table that order was kinda forgot about. oops.

Overall I am a biased opinion here, as this has been teh plot line I had dedicated myself to for the last three years. I knew more little details about what was going on them most, and I felt it all came to a close ina interesting way. I do however get the feeling that the "moral quandry" didn't really matter, as the only people who had a say in the choice were nobles. Having the most info I talked for hours to those nobles, and I feel I got the most out of the situation, but I can understand why people might feel that it was railroaded.

The oog organisatial problem with the sat pre log wave battle did put a little of a downer on things. I did notice what I thought to be a gap in encounters saturday afternoon, but I did other things, like nearly res on partol agaisnt some trolls, and followed the "troll hunters" outa town to save my friends who were getting jumped. I did notice the gaps tho.

I have to disagree with some peole tho, I don't think friday's first wave battle was over stated. It was HARD. We have been "stomping" an enemy that was soposed to be a challenge and I think some pole weren't ready for them when they finaly lived up to their rep. But no one resurected and all in all it was a fun fight. I went to bed before the second friday encounter so maybe that was the one people thought was overstated.

Given what went out, and how much fun I had I feel it deserves a b+. better then average, but not perfect. I had a LOT of pc-pc interaction this weekend which may explain why i didn't feel the lulls the same way other people did.
Hey, my hobling NPC resurrected during that fight!

But there is a fine line that is sometimes hard to meet: On one hand, you want the fights to be challenging and scary -- especially for something like the cumulation of a big war -- but on the other hand, you don't want to make them so hard that only a few players can really deal with it and the rest can hardly do anything.
my NPC human was tooled down a cause serious wounds....luckly she was already being draged back in the healers guild after trying to save said hoblin from having to rez though...hehehehe
I gave this event an A... well I made the event for myself into an A event. When I attended the HQ season opener, I pretty much had it in my head that plot would come to me. This turned out not to be the case. So I told myself this time around I would do everything I can to get myself involved with everything I could so I could make an honest assessment on how the event would be. After doing a write up and getting a response, I jumped into this event thinking I'm going to make sure I didnt feel a lull and to make the best of what plot was going to give me. With that said, I felt no down time at this event at all. I had write up plot, I had fighting plot, I engaged myself into everything I could and it did not dissapoint me. Interaction with other PCs totally nullified any lull I would feel. The only gripe would be the weather, but as said before, that cannot be controlled. So yeah..

I give this event an A!!!!

I gave the event a C+. I have spoken in person about the issues and problems with those who needed to hear it. Playing with the new people and some of the greatest friends I will ever have got me thru this weekend. So far this year I rate the games that I have been too in this order.

1st Deadlands
2nd Caldiria
3rd HQ 2nd event
4th HQ 1st event

Just my two cents

soleedge said:
I jumped into this event thinking I'm going to make sure I didnt feel a lull and to make the best of what plot was going to give me. With that said, I felt no down time at this event at all. I had write up plot, I had fighting plot, I engaged myself into everything I could and it did not dissapoint me.

That is a great attitude and one I want to strive to match at every event. I, too, went through a "lull" at the first event and decided to commit myself more to this event. As a result, I was so involved with this event that I re-negged on my offer to help out by NPCing.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
War weekends always have mixed reviews. One person may think a battle is awesome and challenging and another may think it's overscaled and no fun. Art is kinda like that.

This was also a weekend that required a lot of the plot people to be out as NPC nobles and other parts that sucked up our time away from desk. After two weekends of being out so much as the duke, I'm ready to hide him back on the shelf :-) But it made sense IG for him to be around, and Broomis and Sonia and Keegan. That leaves a lot less plot people at desk. But the plot people pretty much have to play these parts, as they are the ones that no all the background and story. And with war weekends, in the interest of making it epic, a lot of times random fishbowls and goofy fun get put ont he backburner.

The next weekend should be a decided change of pace to two war weekends in a row. Hoblings and bugbears, oh my. Staff is trying to keep it mixed up so people get a little bit of everything.

And just as important as "This is what I didn't like" are comments about what kind of game people like. We will continue to try to accomodate all styles of play. Maybe we should start a thread about "This is what I like to do on an Alliance weekend."

I can see easily how war weekends have mixed reviews. I for one enjoy them very much. It's a great background for my character and adds a lot for me to draw upon. They are generally my favorite weekends, and give me a lot of development. I really like the ongoing story threads that they involve and hard decisions. I appreciate that you guys try to balance those weekends with other less stressful (I don't know if that's the right word) weekends as well so all styles of play are included.

keeping in mind that not everyone is saying "it was a war weekend which is why i didn't enjoy it" last event was a war weekend as well, but for whatever reason, I had more fun then. not to say this event wasn't fun, it was. it's hard to explain sometimes to gauge enjoyment levels, there could be extenuating circumstances. maybe i was too stressed from logistics to enjoy myself, who knows. i just gave some of the examples of things that bothered me a little. i still had fun though.
I enjoyed the weekend and the story arc as it came to a conclusion. I enjoyed the mods I got to go on and I managed to find something for myself to keep busy when things were quiet. I didn't get stuck in the rain battle at dinner time on Saturday ( I was getting something for Monster camp in town) so I didn't get soaked and frustrated in the rain. The only issue I had with the weekend I really had was that a little of the pacing was off for the weekend and in the system of getting things occurring on a frequent basis, but I know that can be all about the npc energy level and the scheduling of event. I try to keep myself busy when there is down time so, I didn't feel the down time as much as others might have.

In character the only "problem" I had was the hollowness of the victory. I have chased and fought the Dominion for the last 4 years and with the way they were defeated left me feel like... well empty. I can't wait to deal with this issue in game, and such is life in revenge. ;)

all in all good job guys at least from Andros' perspective.
Ok, to try to summarize...

Things I liked:

Drama and epicness- from my perspective, it was an intensem dramatic, climactic and definitive end to a plotline I have been very interested in from the beginning, while I could see how some people could be disinterested with the weekend being 90% Dominion, for me it worked- because I wanted those F@#%ers gone. Just like in the movies, there was a fight, the heroes started to get the crap kicked out of them, then came back and rallied and won. The whole barracks/tavern episode was epic, and the drama with the Duke in the final wave battle was awesome. I love a good pissed off PC charge.

Organic hooks- The random damage hooking into the troll lair mod made a lot of sense. I feel bad for the NPCs waiting for us to go do it, but IG it made a lot more sense for us to go back to town and regroup first (especially when we went in and did it later- I was like "Yeah, we would've gotten creamed if we did this when Ivan wanted to"). Also, the ducal army guy resurrecting in the Healer's Guild- I got to see how that tied into a mod the Healer's Guild had already done, the barracks wave battle a little while later, and so on. And my interaction with the PC made the whole thing, to me, seem very natural in it's flow- especially when he stayed with us for the fight. It really felt like the whole thing flowed well, and tore down that PC/NPC barrier.

Reactionary plot- love this stuff. Knowing that mods and stuff affect wave battles- it also gives the battles a little more variation- some were tough, but some seemed like something I could actually handle. Same thing with the mods I was on- one kicked our butts (we barely won), the other we handled cleanly. I don't know everything that caused those variations, but I liked them.

For me, just enough downtime to get to roleplay with my IG friends. Not too hectic, but not too slow (but I think how busy you are is mostly a combo of luck and your own roleplay). But I actually liked the tempo.

Only thing stopping it from a perfect score? The debauchles at the barracks battle. Some of it was IG misunderstanding, but some of it was not. The OOG confusion at the beginning (although now I know why it all happened), for me seemed to stem from a combination of two things:
1- OOG NPC told us (while we were all still IG in our minds) "You need to be here now."
2- using a different than normal mechanism to move us to the scene of battle. Usually we all gather, then there's a "Hold: ok, now you walk 20 minutes out of town until you reach the barracks. 3-2-1 layon." This time, it was a "OK, the instant you reach this point you are now instantly 20 minutes away." If I had realized that, my IG actions would have been different. It wasn't the normal format.
Added to that the IG confusing things, and it made my brain hurt. I didn't take off much for that, though, because in retrospect, I now understand why things were done the way they were and in the end it just made the whole thing more dramatic.

Oh, and I kinda saw the Duke and Keegan show up before the hold in the rain, and then suddenly when we went in the basement and got back IG, they were gone. No problem, I just said IG that my character had a vision of them arriving.

Ok, for me, that IS summarizing. Anyways, overall, loved it. It was epic and climactic, and I really felt the closure.
