Though I only saw it from the dark side of the force, it was an awesome thing to experience. People from all walks of life, from coast to coast all coming togther in this great thing called The Alliance LARP. Here is to all the PC's, NPC's, runners and all those who helped make this event a reality. Here is to new friends and old. Here is to all of us who share the love and fun in this great game of ours. To use the words of some new friends of mine "AWESOME NUCLEAR HOT SAUCE!!!!" Let the uneducated drive by in cars and yell nastyness, we who are in the know, KNOW! I am so glad and honored to be considered one of your number. My only wish is that we lived closer so I could visit with ya all more often.
Though I only saw it from the dark side of the force, it was an awesome thing to experience. People from all walks of life, from coast to coast all coming togther in this great thing called The Alliance LARP. Here is to all the PC's, NPC's, runners and all those who helped make this event a reality. Here is to new friends and old. Here is to all of us who share the love and fun in this great game of ours. To use the words of some new friends of mine "AWESOME NUCLEAR HOT SAUCE!!!!" Let the uneducated drive by in cars and yell nastyness, we who are in the know, KNOW! I am so glad and honored to be considered one of your number. My only wish is that we lived closer so I could visit with ya all more often.