Grand Opening!


Good gen'lemen & ladies of Briarpass,

It is my grea'est pleasure to announce tha' the grand opening of my new travelin' wares service, Suga' & Spice, will be 'eld in your very own mark't this next trades day.

Reasonable prices for extraordinary goods!

I look forward t' seein' you all there!

-Miss Alyce Sharp
I have to ask, what does your trade entail? Also what are you looking for purchasing your services? Hmm my ear tips are getting tingly, I must now.
Why, I'm glad you asked!

Sugar and Spice is exactly wot the name implies- only the finest treat and sweet spot throughout the land!

I'm still workin' on my inventory so I can' say much more than that yet. All I know for sure is tha' wha'ever I come up with, it'll be right tasty. ;)

Should you wan' t' purchase somethin' 'olesale you are more than welcome t' talk t' me in private when you 'ave a moment.

-Miss Alyce Sharp,
Purveyor of Fine Confectionaries & Other Odd Goods
In case anyone else is wond'rin', my 'olesale services are now off the table. I 'ave decided to limit my offerin's to only one or two 'olesales per market day, got'a make sure the supply doesn' exceed the demand an' all that. I 'ate t'see good food go t'waste.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
So does dhis mean dhat Kyrie's Bakery and Suga an' Spice be fight'n whit prices?! I like wat could 'appen whit dhat!

I'm sorry t' disappoint but Kyrie 'erself 'as contacted me. We are both doin' our best to ensure a fruitful business day with minimized competition. After all, this is abou' providin' a service to the good folk of Briarpass, not bein' money 'ungry.

I'm sure you can apprecia'e that.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
I'm happy that two business women can come together, unfortunately I'm worried that I won't be able to pay the prices requested very often, I'm making a special effort this time out as it'll be the first time I'm in town for a market day and have a few meetings expected and I'd like folks to be comfortable. Hopefully I'll be able to negotiate a more affordable price over the coming years for a longer contract period.

-Enan Bluewater
As Kyrie knows I love sweets. What will you be bringing? Where do you come from? What brings you here? I know I have so many questions but, I has been so hard for me as of late to actually dream.

Liddia FallngStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow
Barrister Bluewa'er,

Seein' as 'ow you're not plannin' t' resell I shall work towards a speedy resolution sui'able t' all parties.

-Miss Sharp
Pokethulu said:
As Kyrie knows I love sweets. What will you be bringing? Where do you come from? What brings you here? I know I have so many questions but, I has been so hard for me as of late to actually dream.

Liddia FallngStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow

Oh, I'll be bringin' confections of all sorts an' one savory i'em for those who prefer spice over sugar. I migh' 'ave a few nonedible wares as well. It all depends on wot I can fix up by then. I do 'ave other projects I'm workin' on righ' now.

I suppose you migh' say I come from anywhere and everywhere. Like many adventurers I find I love t' see new sights, haven' really though' t' settle down yet. Most recently I was out at the Roskarian Ruins. This sales business is new t' me but I though' it'd be nice to do somethin' peaceful for a change.

It seems many of the adventurers at the ruins 'ad wan'ed to travel t' your fair ci'y and I jus' figured I'd come along for the ride, can' let them 'ave all the fun by their lonesome.

I 'ope this answers your questions.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
Hmmmm, seek me out this market day with some sugar goodness, I have a major set of sweet teeth.
