Great event


For a first time out I really had a great time. I didn't get a chance to thank everyone so now I am..... uh,.. thanking everyone that has computers.... well anyway. Thanks for the good time, great treatment, and smiling when I can't shut up telling Nero stories to new people. Also if Kelly wouldn't have been there I would have starved and never had a weapon all weekend.

See you all in a month!


It was really great meeting you and Jeff. I really enjoyed hearing the stories... in the end, I think the stories are the best part!

I hope you two get to come back up in November so we can go gank some more monsters.

and by the way... prop monsters sound really REALLY interesting!

It was great having so many new faces.

Everyone was great!

At closing I should have included this.
A special thanks to those who help me after the fall on friday night.
I didnt see those on my left very well, JP's voice in the darkness was a great help. When strangers ran up the field to help me on the first night of the event I was very amazed.

Thanks to everyone.............
Insulting the patchwork creatures so badly at the gypsy cabing that they fell down to their knees laughing. *You should never assume the worse thing a gypsy can do is beat you with a sword... words are somtimes far more effective.

Balryn jogging around the Inn with Gregor as we both fought the glass golem critters, trying to Life Derrek and Veshengo several different times. I think we both got a decent jog that night.

Balryn talking to Gregor as we watched the Hag's assualt and drop the ward with a majority of the town in it. We kept looking at them commenting on ""wow, they looked so screwed" and then thinking... hey.... those Hags are ignoring us! "What do you think about the two of us charging them?" - It was great seeing a few people inside the other cabin so on thier toes, as they took the distraction to push out and launch an attack.

Threatening various people throughout the hour surrounding Mykell's "trial" *cough*. It was great to stir up the pot and then walk out and watch from the outside as PCs went back and forth in quiet. Several of us stood outside doing a Science Theater improv skit as we made up lines for everyone talking inside. (Which was pretty damn funny given the range of facial expressions in the room)

Having Shikar come running into the meadow to save Balryn being ganged up on by four NPCs only to stop a pace or two away and say "Hey... why aren't any of them stepping towards me?" and realized they were all pinned. (Thanks for the attempted save Dan!)

More than one person coming up to me during the Mykell trial and asking/pleading to the reasons why I shouldn't blow up the townsfolk and/or nobles. (Apparently I have a reputation for this eh?)

Overall- I thought the event was a lot of fun. I saw a lot of work from the NPCs and there were some good RP and combat scenes throughout the weekend.

I would like to, once again, say a big, loving FU to plot for making a physrep to fit me. ;)

I would also like to thank Matt O. for getting the fit right without my own arm.

And a special thanks to Val! Look for her to be selling my fudge for me from now on. :)

Overall I had a pretty good event and some pretty interesting things happen over the course of it.

So, a big thank you to plot and NPCs for running our fun.
Lets see... Fav-o-rite parts...

Having two Deep Trolls run away from my lowly earth casting self. Disarm! Resist. Death! Ah.. uh.. Down.

Giving an Deep Troll NPC (Along with Balyrn) the option to either 1: Fight and die here. or 2: Walk up to the Tavern, open the door and take whatever fate awaits them. They didn't make it to the door.

Pulling Mr Blind Dude from the the Weave Crawling he was doing in the Forest.

The Various instances of "I told you so", "I've been saying that the whole time" and "I already said that".

Having Slice tell me to "Change my Colors" because I look too much like one of her would-be assassins at night while walking around the tavern.

Skipping around the Patchwork People and drawing all the fire of the "Magic Sleep"s, in such getting each of the NPCs to turn their back on the large group of PCs behind them.

As above, standing there with the rest of the Dark Elves and going "Magic Sleep, huh.. Oh that's rich".

Standing behind the cabin during the portion of the Hag Battle of Saturday Night and luring one mist at a time back there as well, dispatching them, then making sure I wasn't seen. Later, when a number of the PCs were blocked into said cabin, breaking the barrier of the Golems by jumping them from behind with Leyk. Hurray for Distractions!

Many more, too many to list. Good good event.
OH! hehe....

Ok so I already posted mine...but I will again.

~My own special Mod!

~sneaking around with slice!

~Oh yeah the glass golum thing was really fun (Barry I was with you guys also)

uhhh...I forgot what else I put....

twas an exellent event, yesyes.
fave bits? hmm..

- far and away the best, was getting Ikrit involved in some more varied RP
- Learning a ton about Dark Elves (though now imma havta rewrite my character history, and likely play Ikrit rather differently >.<)
- never needing a Life spell for the first time (i even sucked one up on my first game day in Oregon)
- wielding hope for the 10 minutes or so that I had was strange swinging for more than 2's
- watching the patchwork humanoids futile attempt to sleep the rest of the dark elves. About 5 sleep spells get soaked up in resists, then Eli creeps around the back of the logistics cabin "Look at me! Im a distraction!" (spell sheild, resist, resist, spell sheild, resist)
-Listining to Shane marshal and comment on the castings of the investment rituals while on the verge of collapsing into a damned deep sleep, and the backlashes (once ever bane vs remove paralysis? "remove paralysis" "BANE! hah! you move now!")
-The rather chilling air Shane's MWE left when walking away with the words "I do not take a brush off so lightly" (Raygren: "aren't you supposed to be at least lvl10 before you make any enemies?")
- plenty more that escape me right now

thanks all for another great event!
That game was a lot of fun.

- The thing I must have enjoyed the most was not having to rez :D
- Kerjal (if I spelled it right and have the right person) coming up Raygren's downed body, healing me, then imprisoning me underneath his cloak (that was SO funny!)
- Getting to use my slay (first one! yay!)
- Caana refusing to let us out of our cabin at 3 in the morning so we wouldn't get killed by the hags/diamond golems
- The NERO International guys stories (not sure what his name was, but they were hilarious stories!)

And many more that I can't remember...
Great event!! i was so wiped today i didn't know what i was doing all day!!

sitting around eating coockies with lili and barry at 6:30 am!

Fighting! alot
mostly seeing everyone.. i need to get in touch more often
the hags sunday morning at the swamp! i loved it
bieng a crazed biata and getting hosed by barry

THE WHOLE EVENT!!!!!!!!! cause i dont remember alot of it.


Balryn said:
Insulting the patchwork creatures so badly at the gypsy cabin that they fell down to their knees laughing. *You should never assume the worse thing a gypsy can do is beat you with a sword... words are somtimes far more effective.

insulting? i would say Balryn was making "suggestive invitations" to the patchwork humanoids. which was all too hillarious.
Brad Lewis said:
Having two Deep Trolls run away from my lowly earth casting self. Disarm! Resist. Death! Ah.. uh.. Down.

Giving an Deep Troll NPC (Along with Balyrn) the option to either 1: Fight and die here. or 2: Walk up to the Tavern, open the door and take whatever fate awaits them. They didn't make it to the door.

-I was the first troll you deathed and also the the one talking with you and (i think it was Kerjal) that was pretty fun.
-playing between 30 and 50 lives of Crimson Mists.
-The dark ogres sunday morning were pretty fun :laugh:
-And my personal favorite was playing the crazy biata necromancer and going like 1 on 10 (all the Gypsys, Derrek, the Dark elf with the bow, Daylen and Gregor) and not getting instantly pummled to a little mess. :laugh:

Direct quotes:
Askara: Jenali, get back from there.
Jenali: But Eli's over there.
Pearl: Well, then, by all means. That changes EVERYTHING.

Askara: Jenali, get away from the door.
Jenali: But Eli's out there.
Pearl: Well, then, by all means. That changes EVERYTHING.

Pearl was being perfectly serious. It was great.
Weekend fun...

Jenali said:
Direct quotes:
Askara: Jenali, get back from there.
Jenali: But Eli's over there.
Pearl: Well, then, by all means. That changes EVERYTHING.

Askara: Jenali, get away from the door.
Jenali: But Eli's out there.
Pearl: Well, then, by all means. That changes EVERYTHING.

Pearl was being perfectly serious. It was great.

Well, that does change everything! I dont know if you noticed, but between Jenali, Pearl and Askara one of us was always keeping tabs on everyone else.

Although, I think taking Jenali to the sea to visit the mermaid was the best part of the weekend.

However, I took the most satisfaction when I was able to death one of the hags on Saturday afternoon.
With out a doubt I think the greatest moment wasn't when the big bad guy got smoked, or when the fight got the hardest.... frankly I think I have never laughed so hard as watching the cross bow weilding biata page chase thoes aqua goblins out of town (or all over it) for the better part of an hour at about Mach 2.


My Chi can beat up your dad
I loved blasting people with chaos as sea goblin necromancers. :)

Favorite moments? Hot food!

The mermaid stuff
Landon's crossdressing seagoblin
Bond's FIVE TABARD EACH um. . . additions
Playing a kooky dark elf and having EVERYONE (at LEAST 10 people) on the front porch of the tavern bolt inside in terror as myself and my three dark elf buddies walk up
Playing a hoopty ritual caster
Making a halfway decent stand as those damned plants
Screwing with Sarr's scenting ability
Cameoing Kitty for 2-3 minutes. . . yay!
Having a nifty conversation with Pearl and Jenali as the mermaid
Landon's druggie Sarr. . . he does that so well. . .

I'm sure there's more. . .
Okay, hmmmm, in no particular order:

-Listening to hilarious stories of *cough* valor from the Tourney of Champs and then stealing all the good ideas in them over the course of the weekend.
-Reviving hobling-on-a-rope and perfecting it by putting a second hobling on the other end. Polare, you're my anchor man
-Coming nose to nose with a sea dragon, looking at it, looking at its loot, looking in it's eyes, and deciding to grab the loot anyway before running
-learning Parry from beyond the grave. Thanks Seth!
-Being able to use a Lebowski quote in an In Game scenario= "Eight year olds, Dude."
-Disarming puppies as an offensive strategy
-teaching waylay to an appreciative audience on sunday morning
-lots of great RP with everyone surrounding the impending gypsie massacre
-not knowing if said massacre was going to be OF gypsies or BY gypsies (still not sure, but have some inkling)
-being threatened with a sword for bad pun not once, not twice, but seven times in one event. I still got it. Too bad no one else wants it ;)

All kinds of fun was had this weekend, thanks one and all players and staffers alike. See you all in November.

On Becca's plant mod:

Aeris: I wanna go scout!!!
Gregor: Okay
Much watching of Aeris from a distance ensues
Slice: Hey Gregor, what is she doing?
Gregor: Learning to scout, I think. She's doing good at dodging, though.
After the party decides that she seems to have forgotten something and follows her up the trail
Gregor: So, Aeris, quick question. When you ask someone to scout for you, what do you expect them to do?
Aeris: Well, they go, and they are sneaky, and they find out what is up ahead, then they come b... oh.


Watching Nate count out the Cure Crits as his vamp in the cave. "Hmmm, spell shield, resist, resist, got it, got i.. oh, dang...." *poof*


Watching Aeris take on the Mirror Golem and block 99% of his shots.


As Barry mentioned, realizing and executing an attack on the Hags themselves that gave everyone else a chance to bust out and whoop tail.
-being somewhat useful for once
-the fun of thinking i was going to die when there were about 5 of us against a whole ton of diamond gollums, hags, and red mists
-talking with the lovely hags, seriously, nice hair. they really need to play the "praise the insert name here" game fairly.
-killing biata! (celestial crazy biata, i know)
-RPing being VERY VERY angry cause of the whole Mykel thing
-getting to hang out with my "brothers"
-finally having enough defenses to stay up for a limited amount of time

on a side note: the vents in the back of the cabins get very hot. hot enough, in fact, to burn hair, say, if you were hiding behind said cabin and happened to get too close. and burned hair smells aweful.
