Great June Event

Hello all,

A big thanks to the peoples who ran the event and npc'd. Plotz, I like the way you guys ran the game. You kept me on edge, which is as it should be in such a war torn area. For example, finally some thievery is going on. Also, I have to say I'm impressed with the psychology of the "bad guys", it's making for some cool roleplaying. And it's motivating Quinn.

Take care everyone, and we'll both plan to see you at the next event!

I like to start off bad so I can end on a good note, especially because as a whole, I had a good time. I only have two gripes, really. First, I want to say that I really hate all the lights that surround the site. The one near the tavern, the one on the cabin behind NPC camp, and the one outside of NPC camp just ruin my feel of realism and fear. If I have one true request after this past event, it'd be that those lights are turned off, and I'd hope that many others feel the same way.

My other gripe is actually with the PC's. I saw some Busch league mistakes out there this weekend, and I'd really like to make sure they don't continue. I saw machine-gunning, rhino-hiding, obvious no-calls, and blatant rule-breaking. Some of the discrepancies were addressed during the event, many were not. As I am neither a rules marshal nor a plot member, I didn't feel it was my duty call anyone out (not to mention that usually kills the IG mood), but players need to remember that while staying alive is fun, dying is part of the game, and using the aforementioned tactics to avoid such is cheap, cheesy, and pitiful.

Overall, I had a good time. Liked the undead mod, smaller cards made me very very happy. Much rather get worn down over time by smaller NPC's and get a nice long mod out of the deal than ran through a chipper-shredder of larger cards and have the mod done in 20 minutes.

Love the fact that there was at least something on Sunday morning. Kudos Asa.

Thanks to Doug for running stuff for us.

Thanks to Tank for running a lot of stuff for us.

Thanks to Matt for running multiple mods in a row for us by himself. Also, thanks for dealing with all of the wacky, out of the box thinking I was trying to pull off, though screw you for letting none of it work.

Thanks to the NPC's, didn't have as many as usual, but I never really noticed with how well you did.

Thanks to all three plot members (Matt, Asa, and Jason) for asking how my event was going throughout the event. Haven't been asked that during an event in a long time, and it was nice to hear again.

Thanks to Bridgette, The Joe's, Wes, and TC for giving me the chance to hit things with weapons. Didn't realize how much I miss it.

And thanks to God, for making me so damn sexy.

Hey there all,

I just want to thank everyone for welcoming me into your game, had a great time. I know I had some confusion about some rules so thank you for dealing with my mistakes in a nice way. I've never had more fun spending hours upon hours on the ground unconcious or asleep.

I feel the plot of the weekend made sense and was continuous (no backtracking on earlier claims) which makes me happy and I didn't see much if any OOG chatter, which also makes me happy.

I hope to see everyone again sooner rather than later,

AKA Xanian the (only slightly) infested puppy
I had a blast. Thank you Tank for convincing me to PC.

Big thanks to the plot team and all the NPC's. The whole weekend seemed like sweet mod, after mod, after mod. You guys had some great turnaround and I never had the feeling of 'waiting on monster camp' Mods are what I love about Larping, so the whole weekend was enjoyable. All the double hooking, splitting the PCs on the stone elemental mod, it was an excellent demonstration on how to do 'more with less'. Kudos.

All the hooks that came into town were interesting. I found myself wanting to talk to people to get the opportunity to interact with cool characters, more then 'find the hook'

Thanks to Brian, Jude and Catlyn <sp> for coming out and trying our game for the first time. You guys seemed to catch on well and I hope to see you all around in July.

Dragon Poker continues to be an achilles' heel for me, but man I love it so.

Overall I had a great time. Anytime I found myself bored or unable to participate is was due to my own actions or inaction.

On a side note, totally forgot to ask: Does anyone else have bug bites live all over his or her body? Cause I'm itching like crazy, and it's making me think I feel into poison ivy or some ****...
Fantastic event as usual!

I really want to thank all you n00bs on Plot. Asa for the creepy Darkclaw guy who I had some really REALLY good roleplay with AND the viciousness of the Werewolf. Matt for FINALLY letting me see into what the Thane is about, SUPER PUMPED TO SEE IT THROUGH!!! Jason for all the energy you put into all of your NPCs / Mods makes me happy that I get to be a part of some of it.

NPC; You guys rock. Period. Thanks for dealing with all of the garbage that is GJ as Durk! From my head shots to machine-gunning, you guys take it in stride and I really appreciate that! Make sure you call me out on it tho!!!

OMG the bug bites. Terrible.

See you all in July!

Thanks to Plot and NPC's for all the hard work and fun that was had this weekend. For so few NPC's you guys did a lot! :) I had a lot of fun.
Oh, and yes I have tons of bites but I dont think mine is poison ivy. It is out there in the woods, so you might have fallen in some.
I want to start off by saying Thanks to everybody for making me feel welcome to my first event. I had a great time and will be back.
So I know this is really late since the event was two weeks ago, but between work and school, I've been OMG busy.

Thank you to all the NPCs! As usual, you are all amazing. Especially on the little amount of sleep you must have gotten this past event. Matt, Tank, and Asa, you did a great job with plot. I loved the dwarf heir plot and the endurance mod that went with it. Stevie and Tank, good thinking with the sanctuary, but fighting around your armpits on Saturday night... There were so many great mods this event. There was always something to go do.

Thank you to Doug, Chris, Tom and Ahlana for saving my butt Saturday night/morning.

BTW, does the new Durk avatar have boobs?

Can't wait until the next event!

I had a good time last event.

I would like to thank all involved in proving that I am no longer the last to go to sleep. :P I will have to be on my toes from now on, which is how I like it.

And I think Brig is right. Little Dirk has boobies.

I STILL have boobies and if you would like to see them, I will show them to you.

