Greetings and Salutations

Dearest Noble and people

To my shame it has been a long time since I last visited or even communicated with you. I have been in deep study in the great Libraries of my homeland and time passed so swiftly that many of my friends and aquaintences in all the lands have passed or retired.

therfore I have resolved to attempt to travel the mists once again to your fair land and do what I can to help in any endeavour that I might be able. I also will attempr to bring some trade Items with me If people will let me know what is needed I will make an attempr to bring it with me.

If Bob the Baker still lives I will bring pastries for you to sell!

Till then Fair well and walk in the light
Sheverin, Ambassador at large for you lands.
I look forward to seeing you again Sheverin. Travel safe.

Thank You Bane

I also will be glad of your company once again.

Til we meet!


Was there any doubt at all about my continued existance? Although, I no longer go by Bob the Baker, I am now the Royal Blacksmith and aptly named, Bob the Blacksmith. I will send you a pigeon as your arrival nears. I can say though that components are needed in these lands. Is there anything that you will require? Let me know and I will do my best to make it happen.

Many blessings,

congratulations as to being the Royal Blacksmith and I look forward to seeing you again. I will make a list of things I may require during my stay although my needs are very simple now.


As you recall I was once your escort, and now I have moved so far ahead, maybe we'll catch up.