

NEPA Staff
The snows seem to melting. The mountain passes are clearing and those that hybernated are awakening. Soon we can gather again and work towards better things. I hope you all are rested, warm and fed. I would make plans now to begin taking advantage of this early thaw and put purpose to action. How do you fair and are any in need?

By my hand,
Baron Marcusagrim Anvilstrike
Anything I can assist with you and the people have my hand and all my effort.

Squire Counselwoman Gwendara Alanik of the Fairdale stone
Baron Marcusagrim Anvilstrike,

Hello there, can you tell me about the local guilds? I need to update my spellbooks and perhaps find some teaching. Thank you in advance.


I have been busy these past few months. It will be good to see everyone again. I hope to make it to the next gather. Things seem to be a bit more settled now.

Dame Readella Taurasan
Squire Gwendara,
Your sword and quick mind are always welcome.

Milady Samantha is it?
The best place to meet when the snows melt is the town of Fairedale. There you will find both the Healer's guild for earth magics and the Celestial guild for Celestial magics. Seek me out while there and I'll help you as best I can.

Dame Readella,
It's good to know you are well. I look forward to catching up.
A faint heartbeat from Crystal Falls

The dust has grown thick amongst the many tomes and scrolls, that of which has piled high and fed my mind over the past 5 years. In noble service and study as Minister as the College in Crystal Falls I have kept agile in both mind and body. It has come to my attention that Nordenn, however strong, may need an additional sword and shield in the coming gather. My oath of fealty is as unwaivering as the bonds that tie us together to defend the weak with no recoil before our enemies.

It would be an honor to represent Nordenn once more. I would gladly make arrangements regarding a sabbatical in Crystal falls to stand and bleed with old brethren.

Will you have me?


Squire Nuheran, Minister of Academia, Nordenn

Fella it's been a bit. I am certain your new Baron would welcome you. It'll be good to see you. I suggest grabbing some Ashbury Times and catching up. Alots happened since we walked shoulder to shoulder. Alot.

Baron Marcusagrim, it is good to hear your winter has gone well. I've been busy the last few, but you are right it is time to put our thoughts to gathering and moving forwards. Squire Nuheran, the adventuring court of Nordenn is always welcome to your return. I hope the Academy can survive without your presence.

Baron Agurzil of Nordenn
I will see you all soon then. Camp is almost broken from winter, and the horses are ready to ride. Leaves have been granted to those who volunteer to attend the nobility from across the regiments of the Ash Forest. Till fate draws our paths to cross...

Lord Captain Simon Neville
Court Wizard of the Ash Forest
Baron Marcusagrim and Baron Agurzil,

To you both, I am glad to hear of good tidings, and agree as the snow melts and mountain passes clear it is time to put our thoughts towards better things and moving forward.

Baron Marcusagrim, with haste, once more I will consume the recent Ashbury Times. Baro Agurzil, I look forward to standing at your side along with the court in the next gather. It will be a stark difference, to stand in defense of others with you, from your visits to the Crystal Falls and our academic discussions over scholarly submissions.

I hope this finds you both well, and I look forward to fresh beginnings amongst friends old and new.


Squire Nuheran, Minister of Academia, Nordenn
Wait! Baron Agurzil?!?

Wow. I really did miss quite a bit while handling all the things in Ector.


Dame Readella
Court of Blythdale
Seems I have quiet a bit to catch up on. I will offer what services I can as long as it doesn't interfere with family matters. I will be sailing in with-in the next few days.

I will be at this gather re organizing the mages guild .as always I am available for celestial rituals any of which I can true empower.

The mages guild will be having a meeting mid day Saturday for all who wish to join.

Raven nevermore
Alpha Gilded Claw