Guard Duty,


all goes well, currenlty not much to report. I have stuffed stuff in my ears so I don't have to hear the illithad talk.

I'll report more tommorow.

yonkie out
Thanks for checking in :). Hope to hear from you again real soon.

Lord TadRon
Guildmaster of HoG
bi-daily update.
So far it's been really boring. I've been trying to see what I can hit with my rocks. The stars are really nice at night. I would have to say the difficulty of it is trying to find something to do why you stand around. There are 32 trees that are not in the woods, but in the field. I tried counting the starts, but I ran out of numbers that I know to count too. Staying up all night and day is easy, I don't know why people say it's hard. So I've decided to depart some wisdom onto the great people of the outpost that we work with.

yonkie first nugget of knolege =
I was told this one time by an adventure that had it happen to him. I think it's a good thing to know. If you ever get to speak in the name of the king, or high noble or what ever. Like he grants you that his voice is your voice before he leaves for a small periord. the first thing you do is kneel down and knight your self. Then you immediately send out a proclamation about how great you are, and make sure it read to all the people of the land. Also, for ever one that hears the proclamation, give them a copper, so that way they will love you. Then when the king returns, he can't get rid of you becasue the people love you soo, and it would look like he is weak if he gets rid of you. That is the quickest way to knighthood i know. just think, no annoying squire ship, no trudging around. Blam, u be a knight.

I think in my next messages i'll start imparting my wisdom about how to make fun of someone. I'll call it the yonkie haha your a stua manifesto. It will impart the best ways to make fun of races.

yonkie out.
Glad to see your sitll doing ok. Keep up the good work!