Guess Who's Coming to Dinner...


Brought to you by Ordo Tempestus...

In association with Tenacity's Tutelage and Tutor-Time...

Ashnar's Academy of Asskickery is proud to announce...


Pack a lunch; there will be much puppydogging. Oh yes, there will.

Professor McRuneyBeard
Badassal Knight
Ahh, the summer break is over? Excellent, I need to audit some past lectures. I have new school supplies to bring to class.

If you're looking to branch out Professor, we could head to Pessic. There's a wayward student I'd like to have attend the lab portion.

-Squire Idris
If there were past classes, then you should have notes, correct? And I'm happy that you'll finally be prepared enough for class this time by bringing all expected supplies.

And, as the founding member of the Academy, I am always on the lookout for prospective students in need of my unique brand of education. My pedagogy is rooted in years of experience, though I fear many of my students do not handle my lofty expectations very well. We do take students of all readiness levels, however, from the very lowest (The Barrow Wight) to the most gifted (Kristian). And so it will be with open arms that we accept this new applicant, so long as he (or she) meets our school requirements.

Professor McRuneyBeard
Badassal Knight