Guide to Gavaria: Overview of the Gavaria Campaign Setting

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hello Alliance Chicago Players!

The Gavaria Plot Team has completed the new Guide to Gavaria packet designed to give an overview of the campaign’s in-game setting! Give it a read! Learn about the world!

The Guide to Gavaria is attached to this post in two versions: A Fancy Version with some extra flair, and a Simple Text Version for the folks that just want it in its most basic form for easy reading. The information is identical in both - just the layout is different. Use whichever one you prefer!

The information within this packet is considered public in-game knowledge and contains information that any citizen of Gavaria could reasonably know. Please note that this packet is intended as an overview of the Gavaria setting, not a comprehensive and fully inclusive document of all possible details. There is a lot more information to find out in-game about lots of things mentioned only briefly in the document, and this is just a starting point for people looking to learn the basics.

The Plot Team admits that there had accidentally been a few inconsistencies on some setting details during the first Gavaria season. One goal of this packet was to clarify those details, so please consider the information listed in this packet to be the definitive information going forward if there is a slight conflict from what you have heard in the past. There’s no drastic retconning or anything like that - just a few minor clarifications, so if you come across something that you thought was different, please roll with the information shown in the document. Thanks for understanding!

The Gavaria Plot Team


I like how the fancy version has the heraldry and is color coded. Good job.

In an effort to help ensure that the campaign's resources remain up-to-date, the Guide to Gavaria has been updated with a new 2024 (or Year 524 in the Gavarian calendar) release! Check the original post for those new files!

There aren't too many changes, but it does include a few new bits of information to reflect events that took place last season (Cinem developments, Passwall developments, Skain developments, the Aquavian Crisis, basic Spirit Road explanation, etc.). The Fancy version also includes some more graphics, including a map of Gavaria and symbols for various organizations.