Guild Meetings Friday Night


I would like to organize a meeting of the guilds Friday night.

Although Mistress Cyn has not gotten back to me about my request, the Healer's guild folks are welcome as well. (I'd prefer we all talk since our goals are aligned).

We'll go over a few things.
  • Rank, Responsibility and Structure
  • Economics of the Guild(s) (Selling Scrolls, Ritual Scrolls, and Catalysts when applicable)
  • Work to do to establish the guild (Collecting Scrolls and Catalysts)
  • Guild Maintenance (Provide scroll templates and ensure people can identify items)
  • Establishing a Sanctum and Arcanium on the respective guild buildings and solving investitures.
  • Recruitment
  • Valbrough has seen some interesting things happen to it in the past week. It's probably primed to collect rare scroll and potion components. I can get a few limited use copies of some rare scroll and potions recipes, we can use this to bootstrap the guild coffers.
Gend Mikol Vinchent Astrum Soposa
My apologies for not responding to your original dreaming. There have been several things to draw my attention.

I would very much like to have the Earth Guild join the meeting in Friday!

I had planned to touch base with current members today via Dreaming. I will remind them all about this meeting. Perhaps we can speak before hand?

What time will the meeting begin?

Yours In Service,

Guild Mistress of the Earth Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"

While I have not yet joined either Guild, I would very much like to attend this meeting. Across the mists in Wayside, I am the Leader of the Merchant's Guild of Wayside, and may have some insight as to how to price certain commodities. I have also been given leave by Baron Ko to investigate the possibility of opening a Merchant's Guild here in Dragonreach.

-Joseph Smith

Please speak to me when you arrive I was hoping you would be visiting soon!

Thank you!

Yours In Service,

Guild Mistress of the Earth Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"