Guild Point Structure


A re-write of the guild point structure, specific for the Guild of Celestial & Arcane Mysteries:

Guild Membership Maintenance

Members of the guild must maintain good standing with the guild to continue to receive all of the benefits granted. Good standing is maintained through participation of guild hours, participating on missions for the guild and by donating to the guild tithe. The number of hours, missions and donations necessary are dependent upon the rank in the guild.
Guild points are the measure of meeting the expectations of your rank in the guild. Typical actions and the average points awarded to maintain your guild rank and promotion are as follows:
1 point is awarded for each of the following services:
  • Each hours of guild service you perform, including maintenance of the guild house, tending shop, and doing good works in public service of the guild.
  • Each mission you perform for the guild, which may increase due to the difficulty of the mission.
  • If you are asked to assist the guild in retrieving materials, and exchanging goods with others.
  • For turning in 50 copper worth of synergy items for scroll making into the guild bank.
  • For turning 50 production points worth of produced materials to the guild for its use.
  • Possession of 5 ranks of scroll making capability provided that you are publically available for and take commissions and make a 25% tithe to the guild of any profits received from these commissions (the regular guild standard pricing of twice the production coast must be enforced)
  • Assisting in guild organizational work prior to a gathering, which may increase depending on the time taken, but never to exceed more than 50% of the needed points for your current level within the guild
  • For valorous assistance to the guild on the field of battle. This includes but is not limited to protecting officers of the guild and securing special objectives for the guild during a battle
2 points are awarded for each of the following services:
  • For turning in a ritual component to the guild bank, assuming the component possesses at least 2 years of remaining potency.
5 Points are awarded for each of the following services:
  • Should the guild member resurrect or utilize a regeneration while serving the guild nobly. This is not awarded should it be found that the guild member was not acting in the best interest of the guild or were it to occur during non-guild specific events in Baran.
  • For each ritual scroll or schematic turned into the guild bank that is appropriate. Only pertinent or needed items will be accepted. Some scroll may worth more as deemed by guild membership.
  • For each Catalyst turned into the guild bank. Some may be worth more.
Additionally, in recognition that Identification of magical items is one of the more sought after and important aspects of the guild the following points will be awarded for providing this service. (The guild fee for identifications is 5 silver per item)
  • First five identifications performed = 1 point each
  • Next ten identifications performed = 1/2 points each
  • Each subsequent identification performed = 1/3 point each
Simon Neville
Simon, you have thought this through in considerable detail. I find myself pinched for time and my attentions are grabbed in multiple directions. Would you be offended if I took your guidelines and utilize them for the Alchemical Brotherhood?
Not in the slightest. I will note that I did take some time to run the changes past the higher ups in the guild before making them public.

Simon Neville