Guild points, tithes, and minutes: 31-2 of Norlonyir 1007 ((October/November 2014))


((OOG: Sorry this is super late. I am a jerk.))

Guild points earned
((OOG: so, I give you all 10 points just for showing up so that extra "valorous assistance in battle" point got kind of silly.))

  • For 115 copper's worth of potions, ingredients, and relevant resources: 2 points
  • For 1 ritual component donation: 2 points
  • For 1 resurrection performed: 1 point
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 15; 15 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 0 banked
Dame Kailani:
  • For 360 copper's donation: 7 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 17; 10 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 7 banked
  • For 760 copper's worth of potions, ingredients, and relevant resources: 15 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 25; 10 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 15 banked
  • For 760 copper's worth of potions, ingredients, and relevant resources: 15 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 25; 10 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 15 banked
  • For 760 copper's worth of potions, ingredients, and relevant resources: 15 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 25; 10 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 15 banked
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 10; 10 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 0 banked

Tithes paid

Kailani: 1S PAID
Tieran: 1S PAID
Mairead: 1S PAID
Arianna: 1S PAID
Chulainn: 1S PAID

Guild minutes

-Proposed policy changes:
((OOG: the below are proposed changes to the Order of the Earth's guild handbook and require approval from the chapter owner or plot. The OoE will not implement any of the below without express approval.))

  • Reduce the requisite copper/production value : guild point ratio to 25 as opposed to 50.
    • While current members understand it is important one not be able to "buy" the guild, the presently accepted rate of 50 C/50 PP is fiscally taxing for individual constituents. The current members subsequently propose a reduction of the ratio to 25 C/25PP : 1 guild point to enhance the fiscal viability of donation.
  • Double the total of donated production items in the calculation of guild points.
    • Relevant individual production components ((OOG: synergy items)) are vital in the production of potions and their donation should be more appropriately rewarded.
    • Contingent upon the preceding measure being passed, this would award members 2 points per 25 C/25 PP's donated ingredients. If the previous measure does NOT pass, the ratio becomes 2 points per 50 C/50 PP.
  • Given the emotional and mental taxes levied by the conduction of resurrections, current membership petitions we raise the reward of guild points per resurrection from 1 to 3.
  • Reward the successful execution of relevant rituals with points equal to the high magic proficiency required to do so ((OOG: 1 point per difficulty rank)).
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