Guild points, tithes, and minutes: 9-11 of Azthrayir, 1007 ((May 2014))


Firstly, we of the Order of the Earth wish to welcome our newest initiates: Tieran, Mairead, and Arianna. We are happy you were at long last able to join the ranks of those dedicated to the preservation of life in all its sapient forms and apologize for the delay in your initiation.
Secondly, to account for the tax our nightly Deadwalk levies on our resources, I am electing to award an additional 4 guild points per gather - 2 per Day of Order and 2 per Day of Death - to reward our members for their continued perseverance. Any member who attends a gather and participates in the defense of our citizenry during either or both Deadwalk periods will receive the appropriate number of points so long as they are not found acting in opposition to the Guild's ethics or code.

Guild points earned
((OOG: I award everyone who attends an event and participates in major wave battles - i.e. deadwalk - points for "valorous assistance in battle". You receive 1 point per day; a normal 2-day event awards you 2 points.))

  • For 350 copper's worth of potions, ingredients, and relevant resources: 7 points
  • For 1 resurrection performed: 1 point
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
    For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • For 1 mission on behalf of the guild: 1 point
  • For valorous assistance in battle: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 21; 13 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 8 banked
Mister Chulainn Steelclaw:
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • For 1 mission on behalf of the guild: 1 point
  • For valorous assistance in battle: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 11; 10 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 1 banked
Squire Kailani:
  • For 1 resurrection performed: 1 point
  • For 1 ritual performed: 1 point
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • For 1 mission on behalf of the guild: 1 point
  • For valorous assistance in battle: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 15; 8 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 7 banked
Angdala Snyanpo:
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • For valorous assistance in battle: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 12; 8 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 4 banked
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • For valorous assistance in battle: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 12; 8 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 4 banked
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • For valorous assistance in battle: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 12; 8 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 4 banked
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Order: 2 points
  • For guild hours served, Day of Death: 6 points
  • For Deadwalk participation, Day of Death: 2 points
  • For valorous assistance in battle: 2 points
  • Cumulative points: 12; 8 to maintain current rank/proceed to next, 4 banked

Tithes paid
((OOG: you owe 10% of whatever you earn on any given mission performed on behalf of the guild. If you do not complete any missions on behalf of the guild, you owe a base 1 silver. Until we better determine a way to track who earns what, let's just say you owe 1 silver per mission performed on behalf of the guild (or the flat-rate 1 silver if you do not go on any missions). If you donate to the guild and that donated amount exceeds what you would owe via guild tithes, we'll consider your tithe paid.))

  • Missions accomplished: 1
  • Total silver owed: 1
  • Total coin paid to guild/total coin value donated to guild, 9-11 Azthrayir: 350 C
  • PAID
Mister Chulainn Steelclaw:
  • Missions accomplished: 1
  • Total silver owed: 1
  • Total coin paid to guild/total coin value donated to guild, 9-11 Azthrayir: 0
  • Total coin owed from previous gather(s): 3 silver
  • Cumulative coin owed: 4 silver
  • UNPAID: payment due upon the advent of the next gather attended. Failure to pay guild tithes will result in administrative action.
Squire Kailani:
  • Missions accomplished: 1
  • Total silver owed: 1
  • Total coin paid to guild/total coin value donated to guild, 9-11 Azthrayir: 0
  • UNPAID: payment due upon the advent of the next gather attended. Failure to pay guild tithes will result in administrative action.
Angdala Snyanpo:
  • Missions accomplished: 0
  • Total silver owed: 1
  • Total coin paid to guild/total coin value donated to guild, 9-11 Azthrayir: 4 C
  • Cumulative coin owed: 6 C
  • UNPAID: payment due upon the advent of the next gather attended. Failure to pay guild tithes will result in administrative action.
  • Missions accomplished: 0
  • Total silver owed: 1
  • Total coin paid to guild/total coin value donated to guild, 9-11 Azthrayir: 0
  • UNPAID: payment due upon the advent of the next gather attended. Failure to pay guild tithes will result in administrative action.
  • Missions accomplished: 0
  • Total silver owed: 1
  • Total coin paid to guild/total coin value donated to guild, 9-11 Azthrayir: 0
  • UNPAID: payment due upon the advent of the next gather attended. Failure to pay guild tithes will result in administrative action.
  • Missions accomplished: 0
  • Total silver owed: 1
  • Total coin paid to guild/total coin value donated to guild, 9-11 Azthrayir: 0
  • UNPAID: payment due upon the advent of the next gather attended. Failure to pay guild tithes will result in administrative action.

If you wish to dispute points awarded or tithes paid/unpaid, please contact me. I have itemized lists of coin and item donations and shall happily discuss with you the terms of your compensation or tithe balance.

Guild minutes
-New initiates:
  • Tieran
  • Mairead
  • Arianna
-Approved policy changes:
((OOG: the following have been approved by either the chapter owner or plot.))
  • As a healer's obligation to the lives of others requires their constant and unimpeded availability, the present membership wishes to strike from the handbook the awarding of points for guild hours served and instead reward its constituents a base of 6 guild points in exchange for their continued commitment to the welfare of citizens and adventurers alike. We derive the number six from the hours commonly maintained by numerous other guild organizations.
  • As Deadwalk represents a considerable drain on a healer's resources, reward members who participate in the defense of the citizenry 2 points per evening during a gather. If a member is only present for one evening, they shall be rewarded accordingly.
((OOG, Rich: you said I could do the thing! ;) ))

-Proposed policy changes:
((OOG: the below are proposed changes to the Order of the Earth's guild handbook and require approval from the chapter owner or plot. The OoE will not implement any of the below without express approval.))
  • Reduce the requisite copper/production value : guild point ratio to 25 as opposed to 50.
    • While current members understand it is important one not be able to "buy" the guild, the presently accepted rate of 50 C/50 PP is fiscally taxing for individual constituents. The current members subsequently propose a reduction of the ratio to 25 C/25PP : 1 guild point to enhance the fiscal viability of donation.
  • Double the total of donated production items in the calculation of guild points.
    • Relevant individual production components ((OOG: synergy items)) are vital in the production of potions and their donation should be more appropriately rewarded.
  • Given the emotional and mental taxes levied by the conduction of resurrections, current membership petitions we raise the reward of guild points per resurrection from 1 to 3.
  • Reward the successful execution of relevant rituals with points equal to the high magic proficiency required to do so ((OOG: 1 point per difficulty rank)).
I will pay you the coin when we are in Corrheim V. Also please stop calling me Mister.
Pay me when you are able. I should think you will have far more pressing priorities pending your return to Icenia - do not let this be chief among them.
I apologize if my use of respectful vernacular has appeared anything but. I wish only to be polite and shall honor your request.

If you wish to have a title before my name, it can be Hiwa Chulainn Steelclaw, or just Hiwa Steelclaw.