Guild Represenatives Needed

To whom it may concern:

My name is Jonah Stone. I'm travellling the mists soon, to the Sheltered Lands, and well, I want to make sure I'm breaking no laws if I cast magics. Is there a member of the Celestial Guild I can talk with so I get a quick rundown on what magics are and aren't allowed? Also, I am a barrister where I am from, and wish to become a licensed barrister in the three Sheltered kingdoms. Will anyone be available to start this process?

Jonah Stone
Wizard For Hire
Barrister Extraordinare
Dhat be a lot of talkin fo a man who neva been here. Who tell you bout our lands? An what you be knowin bout Pratorak?

Dha clouds do be fortellin a bad omen, and you be seeming to know to much bout place you not been.

An magic is magic, if you be using da sky magic you betta be able ta prove dat Earth let you. But Celestial guild not know bout dhis, dhey jus' assume dhat dhey can. Dhat be fine fo dhem, dhey been like dhat fo long time I dhink. You bes be ready ta meet a circle if ya try an wield da necromacy....i put you dhere ma self. Oder dhan dhat use all da magic you want.

You got any mo questions you jus' ask me. Oderwise I sure dhat dhere be a person come talk ta you.

Kevar said:
Dhat be a lot of talkin fo a man who neva been here. Who tell you bout our lands? An what you be knowin bout Pratorak?

Dha clouds do be fortellin a bad omen, and you be seeming to know to much bout place you not been.

An magic is magic, if you be using da sky magic you betta be able ta prove dat Earth let you. But Celestial guild not know bout dhis, dhey jus' assume dhat dhey can. Dhat be fine fo dhem, dhey been like dhat fo long time I dhink. You bes be ready ta meet a circle if ya try an wield da necromacy....i put you dhere ma self. Oder dhan dhat use all da magic you want.

You got any mo questions you jus' ask me. Oderwise I sure dhat dhere be a person come talk ta you.



I do much talking. I was in a tavern where I'm from, in Briarpass, and overheard a few adventurers mention it. I will be honest, I was rather tipsy, so for the life of me, I could not recall whom it was. Now Hengin, I don't ask the "sky" and the "earth" permission to work my will upon the world. How can you ask things that aren't sentient a question? I draw upon the power of the mind, my will, and work it into the tapestry of the world, changing existence around me.

As for other questions - are there any bounties to be collected? Any contracts available for mercenaries for hire?

Jonah Stone
Wizard For Hire
Barrister Extraordinare

If youve a mind for binding magics, I can take you Bear hunting.

Fern Woods
Aprentice Somalier
Jonah you speak of dhings you clearly not understand. You walk a fine line dhat you will oneday fall on. Yo words fotell your actions mo dhen anyone I eva seen. You best watch how you use dhese dhings dhat you dhink you not need permission fo. Da Earth has a way of getting back what it should of 'ad in the firs' place.

I not know you, but I already fear you be da kinda man dhat make shaman want to control or even forget da sky magic. Even da most strong sky magic man I know be still able ta listen an understand what I say, he may not believe, but he still take to heart.

You bes' come to dhese lands like a skitta fly on watta, and not like log...for yo sake.

AllianceCHI said:

I also offer localization services :P


Localization services?

Jonah Stone
Wizard For Hire
Barrister Extraordinaire

Be at ease. You have nothing to fear. Things cast in different ways. Let it be for now.


There is a Celestial Guild in what was Fort Miller, or at least that is what the guild member I talked to last market day told me.
To be more precise, the Celestial Guild of Gaden ensures we have people in the area for those that need it. We do not currently have a chapter house within the town proper, as that is not allowed in towns controls by the military.

-Jivah Earnestwood
Journeyman of the Celestial Guild of Gaden
Journeyman Jivah Earnestwood,
As I understand it, this town is no longer under the control of the military. And unless that is incorrect, your guild should be able to establish a chapter house in the town proper.

- Tazoulti Strongbeard
I be easy Ryuhoshi, but dhis man ask bout what law's are of magic, an I tell him best I know of it. He simply put it back to me like I not know. He make much noise for man not been here. Dhat all I say. I let it go for now...cause you ask me to.

What three kingdoms are ya interested in pardner? Seems like a long walk to me.

-Jeddia Mifton local blacksmith

Think man! a land that was surrounded by mists suddenly opens.... who is going to want to see that? Wizards and Magic Folks of course.

Fern Woods
Purveyor of fine goods
aprentice somalier
long walk from one "land" to the other. To my recollection I can't even think of a barrister who was certified in all of the courts, ever. I was wondering what places he wanted to visit is all. strange dream are ahead brave traveler.

-Jeddia Mifton local blacksmith
Those who use magic know that magic comes from the earth or the stars. You are funnel. Vessell. Pot. You do not bend magic, it flows into you and out, like all energy. The earth is alive and she births us. WE come from her pieces and when we die our bodies go to her again. Our spirits go to the stars. When you use star magic you ask those who went before to give of themselves for you. Our ancestors and totems, willing grant you power.
You should ask and be grateful.
