Gurv need sleep place



Gurv come to town when moon almost full, after next full moon. Gurv ask for place to stay. Gurv also ask who be there who know Gurv? Gurv not sure how many friends gone by now, Gurv gone from town for long time. What happening lately? Anything need smashing?
Hello, Gurv! It has been some time since I have seen you, and I don't think I have ever heard your voice through the dreaming. If I hear you correctly, we should both be in Crocevia at about the same time. This should be interesting, as there seems to be all kinds of things going on, meaning there should be plenty of things to smash.

I look forward to seeing you.

Do you remember me? Well anyways My uncle has Already said that Rupert could stay with us. And I am sure that you might be able to as well.

~Aeris Dimitris
I don't know what Gurv is doing, but we often have some room in the Varda with my family if you need a place to stay. Hope that suit Mykell enchanted for you is working out well for you.

Ooo, lots of people answer. Everyone must take nap same time Gurv does. Nice.

Gurv glad people remember him. Bal-n, Mekel armor work good. Very strong, Gurv happy with work. Now Gurv not worry bout fixing armor all time. Anyone ask if Mekel do good work, Gurv say yes, he do good work.

Aris, Gurv not remember you. Gurv sorry. But Gurv not remember lots of people so maybe if Gurv see face he remember. Umm... who Aris uncle?

Other person... umm... Gurv not know who you are? Gurv glad you remember him but Gurv need name to answer you? Gurv think you sound like old friend and Gurv hope he able to remember you but with no name Gurv a little confused.
Ru-per! Gurv know you, you have good shiny helmet! Gurv glad to hear you be there. You stay with Aris and Aris uncle? Maybe Gurv stay with you and talk armor?

Bal-n, Gurv thank you for offer (not sure what 'varda' is) but not want stay with Mekel who play mean tricks sometime. Thanks though, it nice to offer.

Good to hear from you, I am glad that you seem to be doing well. I am Aeris' uncle, and you would be quite welcome to stay with us, and Rupert, should he be taking us up on our offer.

Also, Gurv, do you get sick when you are on a boat? If not, in the future, I may have a number of bad peoples' boats that you might enjoy smashing. We'll need to discuss it when you are in town.

Hi, Gergor! Ummm... you have sister-daughter? Or brother-daughter? Either way Gurv say, good job. More young mean more strength for the battle. Aris strong warrior?

Gurv not know boats. Gurv know what boat is, but only ship trip Gurv take be from Astoria to ... um... other island. With fort. And lots of nasty monsters with black eyes! They eeeeeeeeeeeeevil! But they smashed, now. Gurv help smash them. Lots of smashing, lots of fun. When Gurv on that boat, Gurv not sick. Why Gurv get sick? Bad food on boats? Leave eggs in sun too long? Gurv smart, Gurv not eat bad eggs. So no worry Gurv get sick on ship trip.

Gurv like that. Ship trip. Gurv use that more if Gurv go on ship again. So you have bad boats to smash? Gurv like smashing, but Gurv think you know that. But if you smash boat, boat sink under you? So how that work? You only smash little? You swim well? You grow wings and fly away? You get reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy big smasher, like ten -- twenty -- maybe even more Gurv length long -- and you get Gurv to swing from one boat to another and smash that way? Or do you throw rocks? Gurv think he could throw rock right through big boat and out other side. Maybe Gurv show you some time if you have spare boat?
Personally, I like smashing them by using big metal sticks to throw big metal balls at them, but I was thinking we could tie a reeeeeally long rope to you, then throw you at the boat, and let you do your thing. If you wanted.

So, will you be staying with us?

Oh, and Aeris' is my sister's daughter. She has only just recently learned to wield a sword. Mainly, she is a healer.
How could we forget you Gurv

Yes I remember you from the tavern we were in awhile back. You were quite the skilled warrior and we could use a few more good people like yourself around here. You are very welcome to stay here as long as you wan't.

It'll be good to see you around these parts for once Gurv
Gurv, if you need a place to stay inbetween smashings, you can stay at House DiGiondier and be welcomed!

Hi gain. Gurv not answer for while cause Gurv not sleep good. Thing keep thumping on door in night. Gurv finally decide to get up and thing not thump anymore. So Gurv sleep good again.

Gurv glad to hear from people. Gurv think he stay with Gergor and Ru-per cause Gurv want hear more bout this boat thing. Gurv think it sound fun to get thrown at bad person boat and smash things and get pulled back. Roberr, Gurv thank you for invite and maybe Gurv have drink with you when there? Same Lake, good see you gain, Gurv enjoy discuss bout pokey vs smashy goodness.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to change login. Ummmm... this was from Gurv. Really. I promise.
Um. Gurv have question as Gurv get ready to go. What kind nasty thing come round lately? Always some nasty thing, Gurv just want know what kind nasty thing today.
Hi, Gurv. I'm Avaran, apprentice to Polare Lissenstine, Ambassador of Rythia to this land.

Thouhg I'm not currently in the area, I was relatively recently. There were several nasties running around (one of which seems to have met his doom), but the main one that's plaguing us currently is a creature known as The Strega; though there are "lesser" nasties called Strega too. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but it seems to be both a "race" and one specific (utterly smashable I'm sure) nasty.

There are others, but as I travel the mists a lot, I don't know much more than that. Perhaps Sir Gregor, Captain Slice, or Ono Krieger could assist you with information. I'd send you in my master's direction, but he is away on a diplomatic mission.

I look forward to meeting you in person; I've heard lots of interesting stories about you.

Long days and pleasant nights, Gurv.

Hey Gurv-

There have been a number of "things" created by these Strega. The four Strega sisters are fairly adept users of magick and they throw a lot of bad things at you. However, the also have these animated statues that strike fairly hard and seem to be fairly numerous. They also have the ability to curse you with ill-fortune similiar to those of my blood, so while they may not harm you directly you may find yourself doing a number of uncontrollable actions.

There are also a lot of red mists in the area. Beware if you see them by yourself, as they tend to "absorb" you and carry you away.

Otherwise the only thing I've seen recently of note were a good number of blackened trolls, to which I'm sure you'll love smashing around a bit.

There have also been a fair number of "crazed" Biata roaming around looking to kill my family. If you don't mind you can bump em on the head for me if you run across them. They seem to be having some really bad problems with star magick infecting them.


Okay. Sounds very smashable. Gurv think, maybe Gurv find out how smashable they be. Can Gurv smash mist? Gurv just go out and try but not do much, mist just move some. Maybe red mist more smashable, it thicker or something.

Oh, wait! Gurv just have thought flash! Gurv know red mist well. It what come out of things when Gurv smash them. So Gurv not scared of red mist at all. It fall to ground eventually, can take time if Gurv smash real hard.

Gurv smash trolls. Yay!

Gurv ask, anyone seen hobgoblin shaman? Gurv need hobgoblin shaman heart for something. You see hobgoblin shaman, you tell Gurv.

Bal-in, how you tell crazy Biata from other Biata? Gurv not really know many Biata. Gurv just bump all Biata on head to make sure? what you think?

Av-ran -- what you hear bout Gurv? Gurv think it bout Gurv smashing powers, but want make sure no teasing. Gurv not like tease, Gurv smash for tease.