Gypsy camp?

hey all!
i was wondering.. i keep hearing rumors about how there might be a gypsy camp sometime in the near future. so.. is it true? and if so.. what kind of stuff should I contribute, being a gypsy and all? so, i'd love any information that anyone has on the subject. thanks,
Its all lies, there will be no congregation of gypsies.

Stop hoping.

Why? Why must you be so mean?!
Didn't you know that if too many Gypsies collect in one place, the Apocalypse is guaranteed to happen? It's like a black hole, sucking the rest of the world down to the depths of nothingness. You wouldn't want to destroy the world, would you?

Hey, there's a great idea for the next "End of the World" plot:

Long Weekend Event, Feb. 13-16: "Gypsy Annihilation". "Too many gypsies have gathered in Crocevia Fatuae. Can the adventurers save themselves from death by gypsy? Find out this weekend!"
Polare Lissenstine said:
Didn't you know that if too many Gypsies collect in one place, the Apocalypse is guaranteed to happen? It's like a black hole, sucking the rest of the world down to the depths of nothingness. You wouldn't want to destroy the world, would you?

Hey, there's a great idea for the next "End of the World" plot:

Long Weekend Event, Feb. 13-16: "Gypsy Annihilation". "Too many gypsies have gathered in Crocevia Fatuae. Can the adventurers save themselves from death by gypsy? Find out this weekend!"

You think gypsies are bad, wait till June.


end of the world? death by gypsy? where do you guys get this stuff?! honestly, the end of the world wouln't be brought on by such fun-loving, interestingly-accented folk!
^_~ Carmen
Polare Lissenstine said:
Didn't you know that if too many Gypsies collect in one place, the Apocalypse is guaranteed to happen? It's like a black hole, sucking the rest of the world down to the depths of nothingness. You wouldn't want to destroy the world, would you?

Well first off: it's not an Apocalypse that happens. It is more of a "you people couldn't understand it, so I won't bother telling you". I can't argue about the black hole part- because the last time a big group of Gypsies got together I can't remember what happened, or I was sworn to secrecy, or I was too intoxicated, or I am evil, or I was conspiring to overthrow the world, or I was sworn to secrecy, intoxicated, evil, and conspiring to overthrow the world.

As Barry, being evil- I wouldn't really mind destroying the world.

As far as gypsy camp goes.... There is a master plan to put in place a gypsy camp. The beginnings of which will occur this event (in the official gypsy cabin), but will move out to the official "gypsy camp" as things get warmer. I have located a large period canvas tent and will go about putting it up probably at the April event (when it's warmer).

Being gypsy means color, so a variety of wall hangings are always welcome, along with some more subtle lighting for the cabin. There are no specific items needed for a good camp, but some ideas that I have not yet attained:

1- period drinking cups (Daryl has some neat metal drinking cups)
2- wall hangings
3- rugs / carpet. (sometimes you can find garrish & colorful ones at thrift stores for really cheap)
4- period social & board games. There are some useful games out there that can be converted to NERO games (fun for playing with your IG family & friends). Fun for downtime and to play while you laugh at the screaming gaje.
5- food. A good gypsy always brings some extra food for the camp. We are hospitable and like good times. Bring a favorite dish or make a batch of cookies.

Pretty much anything to help create a fun ingame camp is needed.

I think it goes to say- that if people who play bring one or two items each for a cabin / camp they stay in (gypsy or gaje)- it can add to the atmosphere of the game fairly quick.

Barry :stupid: