Halloween Event (10/31-11/2) Prereg is Open!

Come one, come all! The annual Alliance LARP Chicago Halloween event will soon be upon us! Preregister now, and save yourself $10!

Preregistered so far (20 total):
Paul Foisy (yes, he's PCing!)
Robert Sachs
John Greenwood
Brent Woodward (incomplete preregistration)
Carrie Smurr
Jesse Smith
Chris Hamilton
Amanda Zeller
David Glaeser
Joy Nelson
Josh Clark
Matt Nottelmann
Thomas Macauley
Jasmine Elliott
Laura Burton
Peter Blumenstein
Alex Elliott
Robbie Carr
Tara Carr
Ryan Buhrke

For those coming - $30 if you preregister, $40 at the door. There is an alternate plot team running the event, so this is your chance to PC with Paul, Thomas, and Roy! If you have any questions, or wish to prepay for the event or a tavern tab, they can be sent to waysidelogistics@gmail.com via email or PayPal. If you send anything via PayPal, please include a $2 processing fee for PayPal.

See you all soon!
**jumps up and down like a giddy school girl!** SIGN ME UP!!!! WOOHOO I GET TO PLAY!!!!
We usually close Pre Reg the wednesday before the event so in this case Oct 29th at 11:59 PM.

We do want to get as many people pre regged early as possible though.


When real life hits back!

Tara just got T-boned driving back from getting of all things getting meds for a bad cold she has been fighting for almost a week. Her neck is hurting as her car spune more then once, but she is doing ok for her first crash. The car may be totaled. Long story short we may not be coming out to this last event of the season if the car can't be fixed. We are really bummed out right now :cry: . Hope to see you all soon.

Robbie C.

I hope she's ok, keep us up to date Robbie. :)

Pyro727 said:
When real life hits back!

Tara just got T-boned driving back from getting of all things getting meds for a bad cold she has been fighting for almost a week. Her neck is hurting as her car spune more then once, but she is doing ok for her first crash. The car may be totaled. Long story short we may not be coming out to this last event of the season if the car can't be fixed. We are really bummed out right now :cry: . Hope to see you all soon.

Robbie C.


Let us know how she's doing, ok? We'll keep her in our thoughts and prayers. Hopefully we see you in a few weeks.

Hope you are doing alright! Hope to see you guys soon, but don't push it...safety/health first!!!

As requested:

Tara is doing ok. Her coller bone is hurting for the seat belt. We were given a rental car for the time being. The way the body shop guy is talking they are going to call the car totalled. If it doesn't rain we mite be able to drive my truck to the event. It's all a lil' up in the air right now.....but I will be sending in Tara and my pre-reg with the hopes of using them.

Thanks for your thoughts,
Robbie C.
=( All of my carpooling friends have bailed on me, and I'm having trouble with my schoolwork so honestly I don't know if I'll be able to come. I'll be really sad not to see all you folks! :?
Aw, I was looking forward to seeing you at the game, I hope things work out so you can make it, I'll see if I can drum up anyone else that wants to come to carpool with you, but I think for this event that barrel might be dry :(
I will be there, once I get home tonight I will properly pre-reg, been too busy of late.
Hope its a great event guys, and good luck! :)
¡DAVID! i will pout and scream like a little school boy if you don't show up! i will make a horrible, emolicious scene :(
*shoots john in the face* Well now that I have taken care of that situation! :D

I am tripping out! 19 people!!! That is awesome, this event will be great! I am super pumped for it!

-I am literal counting the hours until I get to go home, then I just chill with the family and get to drive for 8 hours :D WOOHOO-

Up to 20 pc's so far, woot.
But no David Tengdin...
