Happy Birthday to Plot Queen and Shikar

Happy Birthday you two. I noticed no one made a thread to say happy birthday so I thought I'd start it off.
Jim posted a happy birthday for them... Dan Is Shikar, and plotqueen is Daphne. Same day, same year.

*laughs* I didn't know that. Nice to know now after I've made a fool of myself.
I don't think you made a fool out of yourself... you just didn't know their real life (and fake life) names.

There are plenty of folks who didn't know who I was, but knew stories about my character... and vice versa. (none of them true, I swear.)

Always helpful, except in emergencies;
Of course, none of the stories you about him from anyone else are true. They are just baseless innuendo and slander. When I tell you a story about of course, you can be sure it is nothing but the plain unvarnished truth.