Harri Deepjug Attacked!

Jesse Grabowski

It was a cold night and the soup was flowing. A traveler wearing a green wool cloak stepped up and ordered a mushroom soup. Harri obliged and poured him a bowl and accepted his coin. The traveler sat down ready to eat and let out a howl. He stood up, pointed a crooked finger at Harri and cursed him. Unknown to Harri, the mushrooms used in the soup were from a fae ring. Witnesses say the traveling fae uttered something akin to, "Dwarf, may you forever wear the facial hair of a child!" and then gathered the warm, wet mushrooms in two hands, and rifted away. No one locally has ever seen this person/fae before. Travelers in green wool cloaks might wish to change into something else or fear the wrath of the Deepjugs.