have ta shiney man wanta meets ta adventures


Traverse City Staff
Wez demands to oopen talking the returnz of rightz we bring shiny man no fony biz or he dies dead.

Mez the goblin in charge you talk me
What is your name goblin in charge?
What shiney man are you referring to?

If you would like to open negotiations come to Horn's End and find me, Squire Idris. Ask around, I should not be hard to find.

If this shiney man is someone you are holding prisoner, I suggest you bring him and release him into my care or it will be very difficult to have peaceful negoitations.

If you wish to continue holding someone as collateral, I suggest you find Vassal Knight Ashnar in town. He'll be able to answer all your questions regarding payment and treaties.

Squire Idris
Ya, what he said. I negotiate things. Treaties. Payment. Negotiations.

Vassal Knight Ashnar
Aggressive Negotiator
Guy Who Doles Out Payment
Guy Who Would Never Just Kill All of These Goblins The Minute They Walk Up
o ta we meet horn place. no funny or we make shinny man dead.