Headsup for Seattle drivers... speed up!

Freakin' finally. They've needed to do this for a while. I don't like the fact that people in the HOV lane are immune to it though, that's where it's the most aggravating. Seriously, just because you have two people in your car doesn't mean you have to use the HOV lane. It's still the left-most lane.

Read the article, it's short, and it's about slow-pokes in the left-hand lane that won't get over. They're ticketing them now. Woo hoo!
I've had people pass me on the right before while I was doing 65 in a 60. Most of the time I move over, but usually the people in the other two lanes are moving slower than me, so i'm passing them.

I'd be pissed if I got pulled over for this while some jerk passed me on the right doing 80. If that ever happened, I would totally fight it in court.