Healing the Land


Chicago Staff
Adventurers and Natives,

Time has passed and effected the lands in many ways.

The forest is sick. The forest is angry. It needs our help.

Calling out to all Mystics both Adventurers and Not, those who live outside the forests because the beasts keep you away, those who live inside if my call reaches you, and to all others who wish to return the world back to normal. The time approaches.

I have returned after forces withheld me from my home. Feel my heart beat with the heart of the forest. Feel my love of her lush greens to be bright and fresh once again.

Chaos, I am coming for you. To rid you from what is precious. To bring back the light of hope once again.

Together we can restore its luster,

Eldandiril Zanabanath
Guardian and Keeper of the Feldrick Forest

As I told you before, I'm interested in solving this problem as well. My offer to help still stands, sans the lecture about how I don't know what I'm talking about this time.
I have the location of 3 of the chaos wells I couldn't get to. 2 smalls ones and a medium sized one. I don't believe removing the chaos wells will fix the woods outright, more may have even opened. You clearly have some ritual that to cast that will but, this will help treat the suffering and pain in the forest until said ritual can be cast. I'll happily share the locations of the wells with you, if you can get to them before I can.

Timber Tenderroot was also called by Arden to bring resolution to this problem, I suggest you contact him and discuss your plans with him. He's very knowledge about healing wounds upon the land. If you're unable to find him, I an happy help you track him down.

Once the forest is purified, the creature who caused this must be pursued. He cannot be allowed to cause blight on other areas of Arden.

Also, the land is slowly becoming unbalanced because due to the lack of magic. Leaving it drained of strength. This isn't directly causing pain to your forest but, it's weakening the ability for it to push back against the taint. Ahlana has most of the pieces to solve this. So, hopefully it can be finished at the next gathering.

Order of the Emerald Flame

I think you misunderstood me when I told you that you knew nothing of the forest. I meant you know nothing of the Feldrick Forest. The forest is all around us you see but quite a few miles away is the Mystic's homeland, a place once of peace and harmony amongst my people. It is a place that no one of non-mystic wood elven folk can go even in this time of terrible taint and chaos.

Let me tell you a story:

Long ago, about 206 years to be close, there was a disturbance in the Homeland of the Mystics. A chaos and disease had begun to fall on the forest and its people were beginning to be effected by it. Themselves and the Dryad folk who began to wake then were growing ever more tainted by the terrible thing creeping into the forest. The dryads were loosing their minds, the Mystics were doing all they could to hold off the spread. In the center, the heart of the forest there lies a sacred pool where no one but the chosen may enter.

A group of adventurers lead by myself and guided by the legend weapon of the Mystic wood elf people, went into the heart of the woods with the Aid of my Father Kismet Zanabanath, the keeper of the spirit of the wood. There, with my closest and most important friends looking on, I preformed a ritual to cleanse the pool and strengthen the protective force that which the Feldrick Forest required life force to renew. Lady Gwen and Lord Baron Garoth were there in support. I gave my spirit to bind with this protection, and the forest, resurrecting a renewed Mystic. Then we were able to rid the forest of the terror and chaos and return things to normal.

This protection has gone unrenewed properly for two centuries but the forest still keeps outsiders out. Some creature has allowed the sacred pool to be tainted and these chaos creatures to run rampant. They are keeping out those that rightfully belong there, out and keeping in those who are on the verge of starving. When I rifted into the Heart of the Forest I felt it's anger, and were were not far from the pool as I remember it. I feel that if the sacred pool were to be returned to its crystal clear glory, then the Feldrick Forest would be saved and I am willing again to die trying to save it. I was following a trail of chaos and death clouds towards their source but unfortunately they were overwhelming for the small lot that I took with me.

I believe that I will need a hefty force to clean this pool, and I am willing to apologize a million times over to the Forest once it is done, but the only way I can do it is with the aid of outsiders. I will need willing people to go with me and help clean the pool. I may also need that group to be willing to keep the mystics alive who are preforming the ritual. This won't be any normal ritual by magical standards and will instead me magic drawn directly from the Feldrick Forest herself.

I also know that a last bit of the puzzle Ahlana is trying to solve is in there somewhere and if we can accomplish both tasks, great. If we find the puzzle piece and then have to go back to fix the pool, at least I will have more time to prepare my fellow Mystics.

I am grateful for the help and I am willing to see this through to the end.

Are you still willing to help me since cleaning these pools is one of your priorities and my homeland has been severely threatened by them? I fear that the pool may be one of the biggest we'll have to deal with.

Kind regards,

Eldandiril Zanabanath
Guardian and Keeper of the Feldrick Forest.

I'd invite you to reexamine your beliefs around the barrier. I as well as Timber, have passed through it. Not using contract magic but, simply walking. I discovered your forest when I was seeking out areas in pain. Perhaps the forest knows that a Wardancer would never do any harm to it? I've only spent a few months tending to the effects of the taint. But, I assure you I've been inside it. I've had discussions with your own people about the taint. And the thing that caused it.

I'd recommend talking to your own people. These creatures were asked for by the elves in the forest. All though, I'm sure they didn't know the price until it was too late. They planned to use these things to fight your enemies.

Regardless of what you've said, or will say to me. You have my help. My only concern is to help ease the pain and suffering of that forest.

I won't be there this coming marketday. If the forest still cries out after that, then like the past 6 months I will do everything I can to tend to it.

Order of the Emerald Flame