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Hello Alliance,

My name is Matthew Fiore, I used to live in Wurtsboro NY, not to far from otisville where i used to go to church at Holy Name. I now live in Westchester NY,but still not far from you guys. I am very interested in attending you game this 2012 season. I have been LARPing for over 10 years and i have fill many different roles, I have a keen interest in playing a Dark Elf in your game as a Torturer type. Any info or pointers would be great on your game. Im sure i will enjoy playing with you guys.
Hey Matt, welcome to the Forums. First few things you should look into getting is an Alliance Rule book, which you can get either in book or .pdf form, both can be order from the Main Alliance website. Next you might want to get the Crossroads players guide, which you can get from their mainsite http://alliancecrossroads.com/ . The players guild will give you a lot of info on the different races when dealing with the Crossroads chapter as well as the basic feel of the game as awhole.

-=Matt K.
Yes. It's $5 and the link to the .pdf will be emailed to you.
Thanks guys, im an very excited to get my book asap and start on my history as soon as possible. Im sure ill have a bunch of questions to follow but I only have one for now.

Do i need to have a history in before a specific time before the event?
Need? no. By a specific time? no. Heck there are players who don't really even do backgrounds. But personally, it's one of my favorite things. When you're ready,you can e-mail it to the plot committee, or you could just come into game, and tell people who you are when and if they ask. There's a good section in the rule book about how to do a good background. Have fun! And welcome!
I love writing up character histories, so I will be submitting one. I just need to get my books. Also I love to talk LARP so if anybody wants to hit me up on facebook you can find me at http://www.facebook.com/matthew.fiore1. shoot me a friend request an ill be glad to accept and chat.
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