Hello. Hope to Meet You.


Hello. I am sad to admit that the circumstances that brought me to the market day a few months ago also kept me from being polite and introducing myself to the people of the area. I hope to make up for this by meeting as many people as possible this market day. If I did meet you already, please do not take offense if I do not remember you. The circumstances that brought me to the area still had me shaken during that market day. My life has mostly settled down by this point and hopefully this means I can settle down and have good relations with those of the area. Have a good day and hope to see you at the market day.

Live strongly,
Katsin Tia Kopanari Heartstrike
I have meet vou Katzin. Vou are no Rrom.

I alzo vould know iv vone ov my clan had veen race changed against their vill.

I demand vou remove vour false claim against my clan. Vou are no Kopanari.

Do not make me declare vendetta on vou.

My name iz not my own,
It iz borrowed from my ancestors
I must return it unstained, not zoiled

My honor iz not my own
It is on loan from my descendantz
I must give it to them unbroken. It is our bond.

Our blood is not our own,
it is a gift to generations yet unborn,
We should carry it with responsibility, for it iz everything

By the Blood of My People, Kin, Clan, Rai and the Sumadj itself
Recant Vour Lies

Kitaruen Kopanari Stin Svetlo Targoatian Defender ov Blood

Surely this isn't the first time a similar name has come up that matches closely to a name of the family. I would assume in such a case a simple statement from the young miss Heartstrike that her name is not a familia name would be sufficient? I would assume by the length of their longevity families of Katsin's heritage indeed acculmulate names over an exceedingly long time frame.

I could see her claiming heritage as being something worthy of having an issue with, but to suggest that no other peoples in the land could possibly have a name with the same pronounciation, but not the same meaning or ties, is a bit far afield. Any actions against Ms.Heartstrike, especially if she clarifies that she has no ties, would be something that would leave you very exposed to legal authorities charged with keeping the peace and I'd personally advise against it.

Barrister Enan Bluewater.
Vou are ovcourse right. My vords were overly harsh. Ofcourse if zhe makes it clear there iz no relation and that in no vay doez zhe usurp the blood. Than that vill be enough.

Thank Vou vor your council,

Kitaruen Kopanari
Mister Kitaruen Kopanari,
I am sorry if anything I said offended you. I did not realize my name would come as such a shock. My mother passed her name onto all her children. There is a family story of how she became married into the Heartstrike clan and I would be honored to share it with you if you wish. I would love to hear any information you have regarding my mother while she was still with the Kopanari family. Do you know if any of the Kopanari would have stories to tell of Temi Tara Kopanari? Again sorry for any misunderstanding. I wish you well and hope to get to know you as extended family.

Live strongly,
Katsin Tia Kopanari Heartstrike