

My name is Katarina, and I just wanted to say hello, I am going to be in your town this coming August and I wanted to introduce myself. It is so much easier to get introductions out of the way when food isn't frantically being handed out and people aren't frantically eating. I was in your town last November helping the tavern keep with the serving and cooking of the feast she prepared. Like I said I didn't have much of a chance to introduce myself. I just wanted to say hello and that I will be back in town formally this time.

Greetings, Katarina.

My name is Nigel Allgood, and if you have any questions about general things about town, feel free to ask it of me; I will do my best to assist you when I can.

It iz vell meet, Katarina

It iz alwayz good to have another Rom adventure. Vordz in the dreaming have little veight. Know I look forward to meeting vou as my blood tingles vith the anticipation of the sumadji.

My Best

Kitaruen Kopanari