


My name is Travis and I will be moving to the Seattle area mid Augest. I have played a handful of chapters up and down the east coast (meaning like 6 i think). Since I am gonna be living in your good city I must indulge my favorite passtime and was totaly estatic to find a nero chapter in the area. I guess I am just asking for some pointers. What to expect from weather, camps, how the game goes that kinda thing. Far more interesting to hear it from people than to read about it on a rules list and what not. If you would prefer an in game conversation that would also be great. OOG or IG my AIM is DieTrying37. Day or night I am still in school till Augest so I can almost always be found online.


ps- please ignore my insanly bad spelling
Rain, wet, mist, and, oh yeah, rain.

Western Washington is home to the only non-tropical rain forrest in the world.

As a consequence, we almost always have camps with heated cabins and kitchens for hot foodness.

The seattle game tends to lean towards politics, though there is still plenty of high adventure for those that want it.

Be prepared to wrap up in a cloak quikly if rain comes the seattle games are pretty good. Be warned about those north western Gypsys though they arn't all bad. Seattle events also tend to be set twords higher level charachters while Oregon events are more friendly to noobs. We welcom you to the great north west and our wet cliamate. :cool:
Rain, Rain, Rain oh and Rain. At almost every seattle event it rains. Nero Seattle ROCKS...even though it rains...

Egor said:
Be prepared to wrap up in a cloak quikly if rain comes the seattle games are pretty good. Be warned about those north western Gypsys though they arn't all bad.

Hey now... not all gypsies are bad. But be forwarned... Triana and Yasmay are just downright mean. You really have to watch out for those two.

On a lighter note. Welcome! It's always good to see a new face from out of the area. When you find out what area of Seattle you are moving into, make sure to let us all know and I'm sure you'll find plenty of happy faces to welcome you into the area.

I live 25 minutes north of Seattle in Marysville/Everett. If you happen to be in the area send me a PM and I'll easily meet you for a cup of coffee and some conversation.

Balryn said:
Hey now... not all gypsies are bad. But be forwarned... Triana and Yasmay are just downright mean. You really have to watch out for those two.

Don't listen to Him...Yasmay and Triana or not mean at all...its the male ones Id be afraid of...well Balryn is nice and Kerjal is nice around me...but otherwise he is lying.
Diera said:
The seattle game tends to lean towards politics, though there is still plenty of high adventure for those that want it.

Hey, now! That depends on which plots you get involved in ;) At the game days, we have a plot which is not very political at all!

If you are coming in mid-August, you are coming just before the serious eventing season. We will have a weekend event each month from September to January, as well as game days sprinkled in there. Over the summer, we have fewer events (cost and availablility of sites makes it a little more difficult), but we make up for it with more game days.

Feel free to drop any of the plot members a line with information on your character as well as any questions you may have.
As I said, there's still plenty of high adventure for those that want it. I've decided that I'm just going to stop messing with Phil's brain and NPC any more fell realm games...
Holy Crap

Holy crap,

In many times posting on boards in such a mannor I have never recieved such a warm (and so friggin many) replies. I really look forward to playing in a new chapter and meeting you all. Thank you all for the input. Till later

Diera said:
As I said, there's still plenty of high adventure for those that want it. I've decided that I'm just going to stop messing with Phil's brain and NPC any more fell realm games...
No need, you just get to be my test case on biata matters. I have no problem with that:)
Balryn said:
Hey now... not all gypsies are bad. (But be forwarned... Triana and Yasmay are just downright mean. You really have to watch out for those two.)

Uhhh..... Not from my experience but this is an oog disscusion i should have left Gypsys out of it.
Alexzander Cross said:
Holy crap,

In many times posting on boards in such a mannor I have never recieved such a warm (and so friggin many) replies. I really look forward to playing in a new chapter and meeting you all. Thank you all for the input. Till later


i have found seattle to be a very welcoming place. and i know that may of us if not all are always excited to meet new people!
Looking forward to meeting you as well
Welcome to the area .. what part of the east coast are you from????
But Nero is a great place to have a lot of fun and meet them all.
Hey, there. Welcome from a player down here in Oregon! Always nice to see another face around. Oh, and a small tip: Don't hang around my primary PC. He tends to die. Horribly. As in 9 Lifes and a res in a single event.

But overall, I hope your move goes smoothly, and you have fun here in the wonderful rainy northwest. See you at an event!
I remember the warning. I play out of the newly switched over Kalamazoo MI. I have played the larger chapters on the east coast. Though currently I am in school in FL till sometime in Augest. After that I move up to your neck of the woods. I have heard good things about this chapter so I thought it wouldn't be such a bad idea to set up a corespondence. I have three characters of different dispositions so I think I will try most of them. Alex is my latest guy and i think a lot of fun to play. I hope he dosen't perm too fast :). Later


ps- written in a hurry, ignore the spelling

my chi whoops as halo online