Help us form the root system...


Fellow Dryads and friends of my race,

My people, the Dryads, need your help to wake from their centuries-long slumber. Already a few have awakened to take their place in the forest once more, but many still sleep, not hearing the call of the trees.

As the forest swells with the new growth of spring, we find the pathways opening which connect the trees of the forest together, which once allowed those of my race to travel great distances through their roots. But to establish this network and build the paths that would enable safe travel, the guiding hand of the Elders will be needed.

At least two Elders have answered the forest’s call to wake from the Great Sleep, but they say the aid of others is needed to help build the root system. Others still are out there dozing, and might want someone to shake them awake. So, if you’re walking through the woods and see a face in the trees, stop a moment to help us reconnect with our lost people.

Thank you,
Counselor Sakura Willowroot
Healers’ Branch of the Earth Guild
I'll do my best to help!

~ Silp
Counselor Willowroot,

I will help where I am able with your request. It would be a wonderful to see more of your people awaken.

May Your Travels Be Smooth,

Eve Rosenfeld-Thorberry
Sister of the Brotherhood of LifeStorm
Journeyman of the Greater Earth Guild of Terna
Healer of the Broken Lands
Counselor Willowroot,

My skills are at your command.

Circle Master Eric Marsters
Circle Master of Fairfax and Briarpass
Greater Earth Guild of Wayside
The young ones awaken confused, forgetting... Forgotten? I fear for them. It is not our way to mistrust, and this world is very different from the one we knew. The trees themselves have forgotten one another. There was harmony once, but now there is discord.

Promises are made, and promises are broken. It was said that my Glade would be left unmolested, yet the bearded ones and the Hoblings persist. My strength returns, though, and my Glade has seen the light of the moon for a full cycle. It will return in time, and those who seek it cut down will learn one way or another. Their blood will provide food for the plants if need be.

Another is returning as well, a great sister of the Thorns. Has she forgotten? We must do what we can to guide her back safely, but she may be lost... Let us hope whoever finds her can give her what guidance she needs.

Guardian of the Lunar Glade

Oh dear, your Glade should have been put under protection this last month. If that's not the case, I'll will rectify this immediately!

Is this Bracken guy the one who kept sending tree monsters to kill us and wrecked up our equipment? We purchased that land fair and square and no two-bit tree beard is gonna run us off and cheat us out of our money! Who do you think you are?

Sam, I thought I hired you to "get rid of" the problem. And now we hear that you flipped and promised to keep US away? What kind of merchant are you? I thought you were pro-business! See if we hire you again to... err... peacefully protect our legitimate business interests.

--Jira Hornpike
Foreman of logging operations
Mr. Jira,

I apologize. This has been complicated because I employed one of my associates to take care of this matter and they failed. You were contracted to cut down trees in a land that contains a Glade, which is resided by an ancient Dryad, named Bracken. Bracken is an individual that is respected within the adventurer community by many of its members. You hired me to get rid of him without the proper information behind such an order. Doing so would have gained you (and myself) the ire of an adventuring community that (I don't need to remind you) has spent the last year and half fighting and dying to ensure you have the ability to run your business without being immediately overrun by orcs, elementals, and/or the undead. Following through with your job would have ensured your own failure. My intentions were to get the area protected by the Duchess and have your contract still honored but moved to a more appropriate area. A more than fair solution for all parties involved (and the land as a whole).

So you are mistaken, Mr. Hornpike; for I do have your business' interest at heart.

As I conceited already, this is a matter I should have handled personally and I will make sure it is taken care of at the upcoming Market Day. To ease your frustration as I fix this error, I will happily offer you and your workers a free round of drink at my bar, The Flaming Skull, as well as discounted prices for subsequent spirits through the Market Day weekend. Any other concerns or questions should be discussed between you and me then, in private. It would be more proper and professional than to air out grievances here.

-Sam Gemclipper
*Grumble grumble*
Well, it's hard to find good help these days, I suppose. To be fair to my employees, this Bracken fellow opened negotiations by sending angry treants at them to kill them instead of, you know, talking or whatever.

But I'm sure we can take our operation elsewhere... perhaps over that drink you mentioned.

And by the way... It's Miss Hornpike. ;)

--Jira Hornpike
Fore(wo)man of logging operations
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