Help wanted


Personal assistant needed.

Must be humanoid
Have the ability to read and write (training can be provided)
Provide at least one reference
Payment and job duties will be discussed at interview

Being comfortable with Biata mind abilities use on
and around your person is not require but preferred

Le'Serras Moondown of Esronnel, Banking entrepreneur
If the assistance you need is within Valdanis boarders, then I would be interested in helping. I can read and write, I have no problem with Biata, and I need no references.
Rezzik, dhat is nye Arkade.

Arkade is dead. Gone. Just because Moondown is a biata does nye make him Arkade.

Oh, to good fortune dhat it does nye...

...poor Arkade...mi arkadas. :cry:
I only have one question, a curiosity.

What do Biata Mind Abilities have to do with banking?

Ambassador Eldandiril Zanabanath
Biata mind abilities have nothing to do with banking. But seeing as I am a biata and I would much prefer to use them for communication, I would much rather have an assistant who is comfortable with such things. Keep private conversations private.
Ahh I see... That makes sense. Perhaps another Biata would be suited for that role? I'm not sure if any other types of people can do it, unless its something one can learn. That's very interesting. hmm.

Ambassador Eldandiril Zanabanath
Indeed, a fellow Biata or stone elf would be most valuable.
Young Master,

I do not make it often to Horn's End these days, but I am always willing to lend a hand. Besides as the Guildmaster of the CME, I imagine I would like to make your acquaintance. Hope you do not mind the gruff ways of a dwarf.

Many blessings,