

If someone would be willing to help me out with a ride to the June event, I would very much appreciate it.

Nate said:
If someone would be willing to help me out with a ride to the June event, I would very much appreciate it.


if you cross your fingers really hard i may have mah car!!! and if i do i would LOVE to give you a ride! send thougts of making my mother give me my car towards my house and i'll let you know by tuesday!
Nate said:
If someone would be willing to help me out with a ride to the June event, I would very much appreciate it.


Buzz me on Yahoo. I may be able to take you in my vehicle of doom as well. :)

Balryn said:
Buzz me on Yahoo. I may be able to take you in my vehicle of doom as well. :)


Hi Berry! welcome to the world of anna hasn't slept!
if its trouble to you and i can i have no problem taking nate. if i have my car right now it is empty!
I can give you a ride.

A piggy back ride.

But not to the event. That would be silly.
Ryan, you big goof ball
Hey, Nate? I could really use to give you a ride. No, really. I would really like if you would ride in my car. In fact, I kind of need you to ride in my car. Please?
Please, Nate, for the love of invisible obnipotent beings, please go with Sarah. It is imparitive that you go with Sarah. Please, oh, please, oh, please go with Sarah.

We'll give you chocolate. And by you we mean D.
Yes! Fudge! All you can stomach! Pretty please?
Oh you people are ridiculos (and I don't even know how to spell it!!) You can't bribe him you have to do what I am about to do...beg...

*with big sad eyes* Nate you really really and I mean really should go with Sarah...she will give you fudge (only if she gives me some!) and a ride to the event because we would not have an event with out you...please oh please??
*looks very confused and scared* Ok... I'm starting to get a little creeped out...
**whispers to Nate** Dude, if you value your life, don't believe these guys. You know what they say about people that bribe you with candy to get in thier car...
Oh we would never do that to nate *winks and snickers*

I heard that this one guy had a Ice chest full of candy and a matress in the back of his van...thats so disgusting... :eek:
Now that's just disturbing. The sad thing is I've met 3 people like that... :(
Aw gee, I didn't want to go there. I don't like the direction that this discussion is going... :rolleyes: