Hey all, new guy here.


Hey guys, my name is Tom and I'm from rutland, vt, and I've always had an interest in LARP.
I started to search for LARP groups near here and well, eventually I found the alliance.
And I've been excited about it ever since, with stories and images of orcs flashing through my mind since.
I wanted to jump right in and PC, but i think it'd be better to ease in, as suggested in multiple places.
Anyway, me and a few friends are interested in NPC'ing the 26-28 weekend, but there doesn't seem to be much info on it compared to the lowbie event following in july. So I guess I'm asking, would we be able to participate?
And theres a couple of other questions I'd like to ask.
What's the membership fee? I've read it's five bucks, read that there is none, but I'm a bit unclear about it. Do I need to purchase a regular alliance membership, or can I simply pay for the NH state membership? I'd assume if it's the latter, I couldn't go to other events than in NH, right?
And what should I bring as an NPC? Could I use my own boffers, or is it preferred I use whats already there? I understand that a neutral outfit is requested, does anybody have any suggestions about what I could improvise with, should I not be able to score something?
Any advice would be much appreciated, and I'm positive I'll have more questions later, these just are the ones weighing on my mind at the moment.
Much thanks in advance.
Hey Tom. Welcome to Alliance!

I'm not staff at this chapter, but I play it pretty regularly and I'll try to answer your questions.

You'd absolutely be able to NPC any event. :) There's a lot of chatter about the lowbie event since it has special requirements for PCs, but not NPCs, so don't worry about it. Membership fees differ from chapter to chapter; when you play a new chapter, you have to pay that chapter's membership fee. Deadlands has no membership fee. As an NPC, you are provided your own costuming and weapons, but here's a list of things that are pretty much necessary as an NPC:

- Black clothes, preferably not jeans and things that are comfortable. Make sure to bring stuff for warm weather and cold since there can be some dramatic shifts in weather. Try to make sure it's clothes you don't care about either, just in case they get damaged.
- Extra socks. Wet socks from rain = no fun.
- Comfortable/durable shoes.
- Snacks or food. Deadlands is usually pretty good about food, I've noticed, but if you'd like something special or you have allergies, make sure to bring stuff.
- Sleeping gear, probably including a tent. There is a communal cabin but it only has four bunks and lately has been used by PCs or NPCs on a first come first serve basis.

You can bring your personal weapons if you like as long as they follow the Alliance standard for weaponry. You can feel free to bring your own costuming too.

As far as advice goes, my biggest suggestion (beyond seriously bringing extra socks) is to try and read the rulebook before playing to get a feel for the game. You can buy the PDF format online for five dollars or a hardcopy at the event, since I believe Gary is selling them. You'll get a rundown of the rules system and how it works when you get on site, but it never hurts to take a look before hand. Other than that, I'm sure you'll have fun. :)

The new player contact here is Ray and he's awesome. If you have any questions, I don't doubt he can answer them for you.

Caldaria Staff
Also bring dollar bills.

When killed by a silver snake, you are required to give 1 dollar as treasure in addition to whatever you were given by monster desk.
Unless that silver snake happens to be wearing a red and black tabard, then you find the nearest elf wearing an overlarge orange tabard and give them two dollars instead.
Ha. Little did you know he also has black and purple.

That and he will just arrest any elves carrying dollar bills for treason, and confiscate their possessions.
youthculture said:
Black clothes, preferably not jeans and things that are comfortable.

Also, despite what Kelsey may have said. Comfortable cloths ARE encouraged. However, jeans are not.

In a more important note. Despite the aspiring nobility quibbling over dollar bills. You better have food on your for whenever a Guildmaster searches you. I'm sure my celestial counterparts will agree. I prefer burgers. There are a number of places to get them nearby. You can use those dollar bills for that and avoid creating an issue between squires. :lol:

:lol: :lol:

you guys are funny.


I really hope you NPC, NH has had good luck with new NPC's this year it seems. Hope to see you on the battle field.

aside from the clothes and tent, other camping accessories are pretty helpful to. So flash light or electric lantern (although there use in game should be limited to holds), bug spray ( we dont like them mosquitoes and ticks), Toiletries, sleeping bag, pillow, pain killers in case of minor injury or head ache ( i get knee and hip pains from time to time) and so on.

Look forward to meeting you.
Sunnfire said:
Also bring dollar bills.

When killed by a silver snake, you are required to give 1 dollar as treasure in addition to whatever you were given by monster desk.

According to the rules, also, any snake acquiring a significant amount of dollar bills must then accompany any barbarian players in attendance to the local nudie bar, where said dollars will be spent by the group.
Pantzike said:
youthculture said:
Black clothes, preferably not jeans and things that are comfortable.

Also, despite what Kelsey may have said. Comfortable cloths ARE encouraged. However, jeans are not.

This is just a syntax error on Kelsey's part. I am pretty sure she meant "bring black clothes that are comfortable, but not jeans."

I don't think she really wants folks to be uncomfortable all weekend. :p
Yeah, there should be a comma there. A stupid silver snake distracted me.
Shane said:
According to the rules, also, any snake acquiring a significant amount of dollar bills must then accompany any barbarian players in attendance to the local nudie bar, where said dollars will be spent by the group.


Kelsey wants everyone to be uncomfortable, because she is just a cold hearted baby killer.
I second this notion. Seriously you just needed to see Evie going after the blobified children last weekend... And you thought it was just her character... ;)

P.S. Yes, blobified is a word. Don't even question it.

Please don't let these people scare you off. It all becomes much funnier when you're sitting around at 4 AM watching this kind of conversation happen.

Layers are really important, so bring a few changes of t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, and even a sweatshirt or two. You'll be glad for the multiple changes of clothes if it rains! And don't skimp on bedding either, it can get really chilly at night.
phedre said:

Please don't let these people scare you off. It all becomes much funnier when you're sitting around at 4 AM watching this kind of conversation happen.

Layers are really important, so bring a few changes of t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, and even a sweatshirt or two. You'll be glad for the multiple changes of clothes if it rains! And don't skimp on bedding either, it can get really chilly at night.

Thank you Lauren. Always helping me keep the boys (and Kelsey) in line. ;)

Welcome to the game, Tom! We'll be glad to have you! Lauren is also correct on both counts -- bring extra changes of clothes, and extra bedding. Your sleeping options are a tent you bring yourself (or a friend's tent), the communal cabin, or your car (I drive a station wagon so I firmly support this choice). Food will be provided both IG in the tavern and OOG in monster camp. There is no membership fee for NH, so NPCing is free! At the beginning of each event there is a new-player training, at which you'll get the basic rundown of the game. No experience necessary. :)

Deadlands General Adjunct
Shane said:
Sunnfire said:
Also bring dollar bills.

When killed by a silver snake, you are required to give 1 dollar as treasure in addition to whatever you were given by monster desk.

According to the rules, also, any snake acquiring a significant amount of dollar bills must then accompany any barbarian players in attendance to the local nudie bar, where said dollars will be spent by the group.

Hold on, I need to correct this:

According to the rules, also, any snake acquiring a significant amount of dollar bills must then accompany any barbarian players and their wild elf sidekicks in attendance to the local nudie bar, where said dollars will be spent by the group.
This is one of those moments where you can bemoan the fact that Deadlands is not an 18+ chapter. Siiiigh.