Hey NPCs!


Hey guys! I'm excited to get started with the season and I'm delighted to see a lot of you are too! However, season openers are notoriously troublesome for NPC ratios and we want to try to avert that crisis as much as possible. If you're thinking about coming to the event but aren't sure whether you want to PC, consider getting monster-y with us on the dark side! We're really going to need folks in monster camp, so even if you decide to PC, please consider hopping fence for a shift. It goes a really long way to entertaining everybody.

Plus, we offer some pretty nice rewards for NPCing! A full-time weekend earns you two magic item picks and two plot points plus 200 GS, while a four-hour shift will net you 1 magic item pick, one plot point, and 100 GS. If you tell us you're NPCing well in advance, we'll try to reserve a role for you too!

No but really. We're going to need your help to entertain everybody -- lend us a hand! Tell us if you plan to NPC, and if you plan to hop fence for a shift, let us know when!

Thanks again and see y'all on the dark side!