Hey you! Yes, you! Are you going to the National event?


The Alliance National event is happening over Labor Day Weekend. That's just about a month from now!

There's a small group of us going, and we're looking at reserving part of a cabin - but need to know how many people will be there. Airfare is hovering around $400 round trip, and the event itself is less than $100 fee for a long weekend of awesomeness. If you are planning on being there, and are playing a character who would be all about hanging around Polare, Kerjal, Alavatar, and Gregor (or even just somewhat about it), let us know so we can include you in our cabin request!

I would love to go but sadly i cant :( ill be lucky too go too the org one comming up.... But i wish you the best of luck and losts of fun!
Nigel and Gigi from San Francisco will be attending although we aren't sure yet if we will do the cabin thing or find a gypsy enclave to pitch a tent at.

But it will be nice to see a few friendly faces about the place. :D
If you are going to the National Event as a character who's home chapter is Seattle, please let me know so I can send your character.

Current known Seattle Characters attending:

Seth Bird - Alavatar
Bryan Gregory - Polare
Matt O. - Kerjal
Carman Swift? - Trianna?

If you plan on PCing, let me know ASAP!

Where is the information about the National event? I am just curious about it, and not able to attend on this short of notice (time off and airfare and such). I would still like to know how to get information on this event.