Hi, I'm new

I've been getting interested in LARPing recently, and I hope to attend this next event on the 14-16th this month. So, because this may be my first time. Can someone please tell me how everything works? Like, what to expect when I arrive, how the day goes. Just what it's like in general.

Sammy (still deciding on a character name)
Welcome Sammy! I'm not from the SF chapter, but I'll be traveling in for the game from out of state. Looking forward to meeting you in game. :)
Hi there Sammy! I'm glad you're interested in checking out Alliance! If you're interested in creating a character you should contact our plot at brimmswatch@alliancesf.com. As the event is coming up in just a few days, might I suggest you look at NPCing this event to see how the game is played? The benefits to being an NPC your first event are that you get to explore a wide variety of the different aspects of the game play. You get credit towards a character for any event that you NPC, so your character would still get credit for the weekend whether you PC or NPC the event. NPCing is also free and we feed you!
I would suggest you read our rulebook, you can find it here: http://alliancelarp.com/books.php
Our game is high fantasy/sword and sorcery. It's a soft contact boffer LARP, that means we use foam weapons in combat and we use a "hit point system" to determine damage done to characters. Combat will be the first thing that would be explained to you once you arrive at a game, there are certain safety guidelines that we adhere to. You can find more information on how these guidelines work in our rulebook along with rules on combat skills and the like that you would use to build your character with. If you're like me and you learn better by doing than reading, don't worry, once you get yourself to a game it's really easy to pick up and we're a helpful bunch that will be more than willing to answer any questions that come up and help guide you along.
We all do enjoy the RP aspect of our RPGs, and this game gives as much as you put in to it. The more you RP with others the more you will get back, so don't be afraid to put yourself out there! We have a world full of colorful NPCs and PCs alike that are always itching for fun interactions. It would be hard to describe what a typical day at game would look like, there's so much that could happen at any given moment depending on what the players decide to do! There's plenty of people that get up early in the morning, around 8ish, and play until late into the night (or early into the morning, depending on how you look at it). There's plenty of time for RP and adventure throughout the day.
If you're looking at NPCing just remember to wear all black, comfortable clothing and shoes that you're comfortable running around in the woods in. There should be plenty of extra space for you if you don't mind sharing a tent or you can bring your own.
If you have any specific questions about the world or making a character please feel free to email plot at the address I gave you above. If you have any general questions about the game you can either post them here or email myself (I'm John, this chapter's player representative) at sfplayerrep@gmail.com. Looking forward to seeing you at our next event!

- John, Alliance SF Player Rep (aka Kjeld son of Bjarn)