Hi Kupspar!

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Well, enough, Lady Not-Fae. know that the Romani take their friendships very seriously indeed. A Rom might well die for you if he believed that other Romani had welcomed you into their circle. 
But, it is an easy thing in an unfamiliar place to give offence without intent, and you have been swift to make plain that your marks are not a Rai's tatuaj, so I will believe that you said this thing lightly and without thought.

I know what it is to be among strangers, and to have  secrets. 
Besides, I have plenty of enemies already.
I do not say I trust you, nor ask you to trust me, but let us meet, and talk, and perhaps we may together discover the truth of things.

Teovel deTomros Viatsa

(oog: Scott Auden)
Miss not fae

i vill be villing to hear you out but no alone. I ave ad very bad experience vith vones dat ave similar markinks to you vhich is vhy my distrust. I hope dat you no plan anymore deceptions vith meeting and plan to be wholely honest because as i say your markinks make me very nervous. You say you no fae ok, but i also say dat dee fae touched can wear such markings. Also fae curse and sometimes mark you to show dee curse. if you are ok vith me speaking vith you vith someone else present den i vill hear you out but also be aware i may ask many questions to make sure dat i get whole story and dat der is no deception.

Zoya Aleksandra Anya
Ah, Zoya.

They are not the only ones who can curse, and you shall not be alone unless you wish it.

Teovel deTomros Viatsa

(oog: Scott A)
Danka teo. I know fae not only vones with ability to curse. But vith past experiences in mind i am more comfortable knowink i vill ave someone vith me vhen i meet dis lady.
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