Hi new to this


Im going to go to my first LARP in a couple weeks and I need advice. I ordered the rulebook, just wondering like what to do and bring and stuff. thanks!
Depends, do you plan on pcing or npcing?

Bring double the socks and underwear you think you need and possibly a change of shoes/costume. LARPing in summer weather is punishment to your hygiene and your clothes will pay.
Bring snacks to keep your energy up between meals, because the encounters will keep coming.
If you're bringing your own boffer weapons, bring rebuilding materials in case it warps or breaks.
Make friends fast if you're not coming in as knowing anyone.
Learn about mechanics that your character doesn't use piece by piece so you can assess a battlefield situation.

Hope you enjoy popping your LARP cherry! :p
There's a section in the rulebook for suggestions on what to bring to an event. For socks, I recommend an entire fresh pack per event. Change your socks right before you bed down for the night. Your feet will love you for it. Trailmix or gorp are a good go-to for energy food. Drink lots of water, whether its cold or hot. Until you get a feel for the game, hold off on energy drinks.

If you're PCing, contact your local chapter's logistics and obtain a player packet and/or race packet, to better understand the character you intend to play and how he/she fits in the grand scheme of things. Browse your chapter's in-game forums to get a feel for what sort of things the other characters are into and looking for, and generally just get a loose idea of what the game world there is like. (probably not a bad plan if you're NPCing, now that I think of it)
okay Im PCing, I'm going alone, and to the Chicago Sep 17-19th game. I haven't gotten my rule book yet, I just know I want my charater to be somewhere along the lines of an assassins or something. don't know like anything about anything, just decided hey I wanna try this look flipping awesome.
If you want to be an assassin, you might want to keep that to yourself. Otherwise you'll die first.

And you're right, it is flipping awesome!
A few things I found I needed that I didn't know I needed (they are in the rulebook though).

Warm gear - as it can get cold at night without you knowing it.
Aspirin - you should keep hydrated but you still can get a headache.
Bug spray - mosquitoes suck. (no pun intended)
Roll of toilet paper - although sites are usually well stocked, it only takes one time with no paper to really sour your mood - plus it makes a great emergency white headband
Rag - there are just so many times you want to wipe something off/down/etc. Some piece of cloth you can just throw away at the end of the event.
Things not required but often overlooked.

A sleeping bag and a extra blanket .
A big bottle of water to keep by your bed so you don't have to get up if your thirsty in the middle of the night.

To female players... pads even if its not that time of the month...
To male players... a cup not the kind for drinking... low shots might be illegal and don't count but they still happen now and then and i have been told they hurt a lot so safe rather then sorry if you want.

If you have an atomizer don't for get it, all the running a round will make you wish you had.
Righting implements a pin, a pencil and some extra tape.
Safety pins are a grate quick fix for costume malfunctions.

A can of soup not included on your meal planing.. i know that sounds odd but its there for a lot fo things, emergency or missed mills or lazyness, and i recommend the kind with the pull tab top.
If your going to play in Chicago, I also recomend either a cot, campad, air mattress or whatever else as the floor is bare.



Owner Alliance Chicago
By the floor is bare, Paul means there are no beds, you will sleep on the floor. There are two large cabins that most people sleep in, plus the tavern, but others sometimes decide to sleep in tents. The Chicago game area has a somewhat repeating pattern of raining one of the nights of play, so plan to bring a cloak, coat, or other rain gear (preferably that looks in-game appropriate). That site is pretty well lit, but if you are the type that can't handle dark paths bring a flashlight (red lights won't ruin your or others' night vision, that's my recommendation). I find it's a good idea (for the car ride later) to have a seal-able container for really dirty or smelly clothing. There are no showers, and the bathrooms are rudimentary, so please bring deodorant and possibly baby wipes if you want to freshen up more.