History Lessons

It has been made clear to me how woefully ignorant I am of the history of this land, its people, and its nobility. I would greatly appreciate if there are any scholars who could, at some time, point me towards the most informative texts, or relay information to me themselves, that I may rectify my lack of understanding. Of course, I would happily provide compensation for any tutelage I receive. Let me know over the dreaming or via pigeon post. Thank you for your time!

Jonathan Darin
Honorable Jonathan Darin,

The pursuit of knowledge is one of the most honorable paths one can follow. Through knowledge of history we can avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

If you or any other's have questions I would be glad to meet with you the next market day, I would ask that you submit your questions or areas you wish to know more about to me so that I may be fully prepared to enlighten you.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
I'd be most interested in some history of Gaden. I've heard stories about the royalty being 'assassinated' and I'm curious about Gaden's political history, I suppose.
Thanks for your help, sir Dure'dhel
Honorable Arcanist Dure'dhel be knight now?

-Cho Ko Nu
Ugh. No. I'm just terrible with titles.