Hitchhiker's Guide to NPC Camp


As we approach the final weekend before the season opener, our wonderful Head of Plot and I thought it might be a good idea to make a list of best case scenario items to bring as an NPC.

"A towel, [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy] says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth....you can lie on it on the grassy...you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so brightly...use it to sail a miniraft down the vally's river...wet-it for use in hand-to-hand combat...wrap it around your head to avoid noxious fumes...you can waive your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems clean enough."

-adapted from Douglas Adams

Each of the below items are not required, but recommended to ensure your best experience whilst walking the dark side. NPC's need to be the most versatile whilst Monster Desk is running them ragged, and these will help you stay sharp and comfortable.

Generic List (NPC specific)

WHITE HEADBAND (braid some rope, cut a length of sheet or pillow case; it doesn’t have to be fancy, just functional)


- Flashlight (late night bathroom runs)

- Bug spray

- Sunscreen

- Garbage bags (also to keep things dry)

- Garb, non-anachronistic costuming

- Paper Towels

- Props if re-occurring NPC character


- All Blacks; warm and cold weather (Pants, Top)

- Socks (bring extra to change out of a wet pair)

- Underwear (it’s important)/longjohns

- gloves (not just for keeping warm, weapons can cause blisters)

- Jacket (dark color)

- Boots/comfortable hiking shoes


- Toothbrush/toothpaste

- Deoderant (for your sake and ours)

- Shampoo/Conditioner

- Soap/bodywash

- Roll of toilet paper (just in case they run out)



- WATER (bring a re-usable bottle), cases or gallons work as well

- Granola Bars*

- Energy Bars*

- Bananas*

- Fruit*



- Sleeping bag

- Blanket(s)

- Cot/Camping pad

- Pillow(s)
Great list. I want to make a point about two of the suggestions.

Socks - A few spares are never enough. My rule for socks is figure out how many you think you need. Double that number. And then double it again.

Blacks - Blacks are minimum responsibility. You should try to have at least two full sets (for much the same reason you want lots of socks). But, if you really want to rock as an NPC, also bring brown, green, gray, and white base colors as well (maybe even red). These types of base colors will make you look better when you go out as certain types of creatures like plants or non-corporeal undead where base black doesn't look that great. It requires more costume swaps, which can be exhausting, but if you can manage it, it definitely helps with immersion.

also, a belt that fits you. got to stick the weapons somewhere.. and the loot pouches.
If you are female, or willing to dress as such, a broomskirt is a great thing to have. collect scarves or hats.

or if you are a Halloween junkie like me, go nuts at the thrift store, and buy embellishments you can DIY.
Find out ahead of packing what general parts you will play and pack colours accordingly.