House allegiances in Rathfall


Public Relations Committee
Greetings Adventurers,

As more and more of us swear to Rathfall Houses. I find myself wanting to know who serves who, and in what capacity you have sworn these oaths. I am asking as I myself am considering joining a House. What were you offered? Did they provide an oath of office? Were these more casual arrangements?

Baroness FallingStar
Do you intend to compile a list of known individuals for all to know or is this for a private collection of knowledge to base a decision on?

I feel each house is different in their joining but with House Sorsha I did not speak an oath. I simply expressed joining and held my businesses in Rook’s Alley.

For Rumil, The Princess sent me a note for an invitation which I thanked her for and declined.

I think if you ask a noble from a house they would be glad to have more to their list of Unbounded partners.

Lady Asher,

This is not an official accounting by any means. This is for my own understanding. Rathfall is a place of subterfuge and shadow. I am seeking the genuine experiences from our community. From my perspective joining a House is a formal affair with oaths exchanged and duty sworn. If not everyone has had this experience I would like to know, how did that shape your decision?

Perhaps, this is my experience in the underdark during the Vornae wars of Prademar speaking. Knowing the expectations and rules of engagement along with afflictions are important. It can save you.

Baroness FallingStar
My advice is dont join a house because you feel you must. Join because you feel you want to. Many of us could give pitches but I think the ideal method is talk to the nobles of each house. If you like what they represent, join them; if not, move on.

Rathfall is not Prademar. The experiences there will never be the same here. I have found that leaving my past behind has opened new doors and further clarity into the world. I have given up memories of my home and I cant even think or speak its name. In return, I gained so much more.

Where does future Lydia see herself in Rathfall? Who does she want to be? Find that, and your ideals will certainly match a House, or lead you to find a place with an outside faction.

those of us from the underdark , join a house is a very big deal to do .
how does one get a title or a rank
Greetings Adventurers,

As more and more of us swear to Rathfall Houses. I find myself wanting to know who serves who, and in what capacity you have sworn these oaths. I am asking as I myself am considering joining a House. What were you offered? Did they provide an oath of office? Were these more casual arrangements?

Baroness FallingStar
which part of the underdark are you from lady Fallingstar?
Greetings Sable,

I saw that you sent me a pigeon but, I have been eexceedingly busy as of late. I shall send you a missive once we are at the end of the week.

For titles or rank they must be earned via walking a Path of Renowned. Once enters into an arrangement or service to another who can bestow a title for walking that Path. If say you wished to become a Noble Knight in service to the Crowne; you would have to follow the traditions of the Baron, Duke, Count, Magistrate, etc. And then enter their service as a squire. Walking any Path of Renowned is a serious commitment and should not be taken lightly.

The lands that I originally hail from are lost to space and time as they have been folded into the Mysts. Guardian Glenn, Master Hartsboon and Lord DeSylvia know this pain well. I grew to become home in the Underdark of Terna. I do wish to explore the underground of Rathfall and see the Islands where there was once a Dark Elf Kingdom.

Baroness FallingStar
i come from the southern most area of this myst called the dead lands which i had spent
most of life at , i would to become a count or duke.
how does one get a title or a rank
Goodman Morris,
In Rathfall, there are many paths to Renown, but the most culturally acceptable one is to seek out a noble House and pledge fealty to them. Each House has areas of concern that Unbounded (or Adventurers, that term remains to be decided) might consider worthy of focus, whether it is the reform of the criminal justice system of House Fortinbras, or focus on the trade administration and Guild management of House Bengalo. Each House calls its adherents something different, but it follows mostly to a Path of Renown like you might expect. In my House, for example, one becomes a Scrivener rather than a Squire. The positions are equivalent, but we feel the focus of a Scrivener implies a desire to pass on or collate information, rather than the myriad responsibilities a Squire might have.

While I think a Count might continue to adventure, certainly a Duke would not have the time or focus necessary to continue adventuring, nor would it be advisable from a Rathfallian perspective for a Duke to risk themselves in a routine fashion. You may be difficult to kill, but my understanding is that you will eventually fall, and your wont as adventurers is to put yourself to that test time and again.

While I don't know much about you, I am given to understand that you are a former denizen of the Underdark, and that by itself will attract some to you as a potential pledge to their House. While the Unbounded from Prademar tell tales of an Underdark, our equivalent is an unexplored and lost place, and many Dark Elves seek to learn more of what helped form them culturally. The majority of those Dark Elves find themselves in the employ of or subservient to House Bengalo, and I suggest speaking to a representative of that House.

On the other hand, there is a land named Trusken that used to sit on a peninsula and sprawl over a number of islands to the east of the continent that Rathfall occupies. While it has a number of problems, including the approach of Blight that has recently completed hold over its mainland, it remains primarily a Dark Elf nation. Sadly, it looks as a situation to be rather grim, but it may be of note to a denizen of the Prademarian Underdark. I believe Don Savage is the ruler of that place, but reports vary. He may just be a courtier. In any event, he would be a point of contact within Rathfall.

As to Rathfall being a place of subterfuge and shadow, we thank you for noticing, Baroness Fallingstar. I apologize for encroaching on your desire to hear from your own populace.

Seneschal Bryas Montague
Consort of Yvaine Rumil,
Patron of House Montague,
Sworn to House Rumil
Goodman Morris,
In Rathfall, there are many paths to Renown, but the most culturally acceptable one is to seek out a noble House and pledge fealty to them. Each House has areas of concern that Unbounded (or Adventurers, that term remains to be decided) might consider worthy of focus, whether it is the reform of the criminal justice system of House Fortinbras, or focus on the trade administration and Guild management of House Bengalo. Each House calls its adherents something different, but it follows mostly to a Path of Renown like you might expect. In my House, for example, one becomes a Scrivener rather than a Squire. The positions are equivalent, but we feel the focus of a Scrivener implies a desire to pass on or collate information, rather than the myriad responsibilities a Squire might have.

While I think a Count might continue to adventure, certainly a Duke would not have the time or focus necessary to continue adventuring, nor would it be advisable from a Rathfallian perspective for a Duke to risk themselves in a routine fashion. You may be difficult to kill, but my understanding is that you will eventually fall, and your wont as adventurers is to put yourself to that test time and again.

While I don't know much about you, I am given to understand that you are a former denizen of the Underdark, and that by itself will attract some to you as a potential pledge to their House. While the Unbounded from Prademar tell tales of an Underdark, our equivalent is an unexplored and lost place, and many Dark Elves seek to learn more of what helped form them culturally. The majority of those Dark Elves find themselves in the employ of or subservient to House Bengalo, and I suggest speaking to a representative of that House.

On the other hand, there is a land named Trusken that used to sit on a peninsula and sprawl over a number of islands to the east of the continent that Rathfall occupies. While it has a number of problems, including the approach of Blight tha has recently completed hold over its mainland, it remains primarily a Dark Elf nation. Sadly, it looks as a situation to be rather grim, but it may be of note to a denizen of the Prademarian Underdark. I believe Don Savage is the ruler of that place, but reports vary. He may just be a courtier. In any event, he would be a point of contact within Rathfall.

As to Rathfall being a place of subterfuge and shadow, we thank you for noticing, Baroness Fallingstar. I apologize for encroaching on your desire to hear from your own populace.

Seneschal Bryas Montague
Consort of Yvaine Rumil,
Patron of House Montague,
Sworn to House Rumil
i think your house might a right fit for me
i think your house might a right fit for me
There are many things to consider when joining a House. One of those things is the history of the House. House Montague has a complicated history which I will summarize: Rathfall used to be ruled by a King. That King and his House ruled in an oppressive dynastic fashion for hundreds of years. They committed terrible atrocities, both in Rathfall and in other nations. Eventually, this dynasty was defeated by House Fortinbras and House Rumil accepted the role of Archduke, forever retiring the title of King.

House Montague was that terrible line of Kings, and we offer that knowledge freely. It is an important lesson in our history, and while we are shamed to be the House of Kings, we wear it openly. We accept the residual hate it inspires, and part of our repentance is allowing even the common folk to voice their disgust. We keep the Lore that others would like quietly relegated to some academic library, and scour the Blight for new insights into lost history.

In comparison, House Bengalo has shown time and again a willingness to work with Dark Elves when most Houses turn them away. And while they are not free of scandal, they didn't oppress Rathfall for hundreds of years. While I would consider talking to you about joining my House, I would again suggest House Bengalo.

Thank you for your time.

Seneschal Bryas Montague,
Consort of Yvaine Rumil,
Patron of House Montague,
Sworn to House Rumil
the path to redemption is forwards not backwards and i would like to halp with that.