In the prior chapter, the ruling was handed down that the OOG cabins are just that: OOG. (That thread has since been removed as part of the assorted changing of servers and ownership) There were no IG consequences for showing up on site and setting up in a cabin that was traditionally used by group X or Y. It was further stated that IG titles to a particular building or plot of land were strictly IG considerations and bore no reflection on the OOG buildings or their occupants. It was suggested/encouraged that if people want to occupy a specific building at an event, that they amicably work it out with anyone who wanted to claim it OOG. The prior chapter's staff's official position, IIRC, though, was first-come, first-serve.
I lately have not attended NERO Seattle events, so I expect that anything I say on the matter will have little bearing on what decision the owner and GM ultimately make. However, as a marshal, to say that your OOG actions (selecting a cabin to stay in) will have IG consequences is the very soul of metagaming, or in the least, "being a jerk".
If any form of compromise were to be made (and my opinion mattered), I would suggest players who want a specific cabin should be required to have a certain level of pre-reg'ed AND pre-paid attendance and occupancy. For instance, to have the central building in the field as a guaranteed (OOG) cabin to use, it could be required that whatever group wants it have 5 or more players pre-paid for 90% of a year's events. This would have no bearing on IG titles of land and property. Much like the Ships, Estates, and assorted "stuff", it would be a roleplay-specific perk: someplace to say you go to and do things at, and plot gets to dink with your character through it.
The route that much of the discussion in this thread seems to be taking leads me to anticipate a day when a player has his/her character purchase all of the cabins on site so as to prevent specific players from having a location to be in, or as a means of getting IG retribution on them.
I lately have not attended NERO Seattle events, so I expect that anything I say on the matter will have little bearing on what decision the owner and GM ultimately make. However, as a marshal, to say that your OOG actions (selecting a cabin to stay in) will have IG consequences is the very soul of metagaming, or in the least, "being a jerk".
If any form of compromise were to be made (and my opinion mattered), I would suggest players who want a specific cabin should be required to have a certain level of pre-reg'ed AND pre-paid attendance and occupancy. For instance, to have the central building in the field as a guaranteed (OOG) cabin to use, it could be required that whatever group wants it have 5 or more players pre-paid for 90% of a year's events. This would have no bearing on IG titles of land and property. Much like the Ships, Estates, and assorted "stuff", it would be a roleplay-specific perk: someplace to say you go to and do things at, and plot gets to dink with your character through it.
The route that much of the discussion in this thread seems to be taking leads me to anticipate a day when a player has his/her character purchase all of the cabins on site so as to prevent specific players from having a location to be in, or as a means of getting IG retribution on them.