How to Convince People I Am Not Crazy...

Agahi said:
Random person/friend asks: I give em the website

Boss/coworker asks: Boyscout camp "straight face" yes boyscout camp.

I could just see your boss's face if you told him you were the "Extraordinary Abucus." LMAO! :lol: :lol:
Gilwing said:
....When I then talk about Alliance to the same people, I refer it to "frolic in the woods".

Frolicing in the woods is quite fun I must say.
I've got a theatre background and so most of my friends expect things like this from me and just sort of grin and pat me on the head (If they aren't involved themselves!). Explaining to my family is a bit harder, but my mom put it best in layman's terms, I think, after I explained it.

"Oh. So it's like improv, but for you and all your friends for a whole weekend. Sounds fun."
I just tell people I go camping and hit people with foam weapons while dressed up and talking funny. If they seem interested I go into more detail. If they don't then I leave it at that. People tend to be agreeable to camping and admit that using imagination is a good thing. One of my room mates requires a full recap of each event; both of my room mates would come with me if they had time because my descriptions seem to have caught their attention. Alas, one works 6 days a week at the post office and the other works only on weekends.
markusdark said:
"It is a cross between a ren faire and a dinner murder mystery."

That's the one I usually use.

But I have an advantage most of you don't: When people say it sounds weird, I say "This is my side business. People pay me to come play the game and have fun with the plots I write."

Somehow, that makes it seem less geeky to my lawyer friends at least. (And mind you, some of these guys are complete nerds in other ways -- a bunch of them went to the midnight showing of Two Towers, they play computer games, read science fiction -- but yet that next step into LARPing always seems too far for them.)
The good news is that LARPing is coming out into the mainstream entertainment industry now. There are two movies under development right now, one of them starring Summer Glau, with LARPing as a setting. And these movies have actual LARPers as consultants on the sets to try and instill as much real LARPing into it.

In addition, some TV shows are putting in episodes with LARPing in it. It is still a little bit heavy on the 'very weird' side but I believe soon it will begin to become more of what most of us see it as.
markusdark said:
The good news is that LARPing is coming out into the mainstream entertainment industry now. There are two movies under development right now, one of them starring Summer Glau, with LARPing as a setting. And these movies have actual LARPers as consultants on the sets to try and instill as much real LARPing into it.

In addition, some TV shows are putting in episodes with LARPing in it. It is still a little bit heavy on the 'very weird' side but I believe soon it will begin to become more of what most of us see it as.

Excellent. I heard about this and look forward to the movies. I didn't know Summer Glau was starring in one. That's exciting. I loved her in Firefly.

I agree though; I've been open with everyone including my boss when they ask me what my roadtrips are about and maybe they're being nice I guess, but no one has shown to be judgemental.
I generally tell folks what I'm doing too. Most are supportive, but if you find those jerks who are trying to make a mockery of what you do and act like they "want to know about the game," begin describing the celestial and/or earth pyramid. They'll stop paying attention and feel ashamed for their stupidity. Thankfully, though, I've not had too many bad encounters from talking about LARP... oddly enough people are more or less curious and cite the movie Role Models.
For the record, there is an experienced LARP team working on the movie "Knights of Badassdom" to try and get things as close to real LARPing as possible. I believe they finish shooting the LARPing sequences next week.

I just want them to tell me if Summer Glau finds elf ears sexy...
I always explain larp as a sport that is like a cross between DnD and Improv thearter. the movie "knights of Badassdom" is comeing out soon and I hope it will give a fairly acurate glimps into our world. people tend to get it when you tell them some of your crazy pertendadventure stories!
jomcf11 said:
the movie "knights of Badassdom" is comeing out soon and I hope it will give a fairly acurate glimps into our world.
haha, I should have read the above post, but I got tired of reading through and I just clicked "post"
jomcf11 said:
the movie "knights of Badassdom" is comeing out soon and I hope it will give a fairly acurate glimps into our world.
From IMDB: "Live-action role players conjure up a demon from hell by mistake and must deal with the consequences."

I'm thinking it's not going to be the most accurate movie that includes LARPing.
jpariury said:
From IMDB: "Live-action role players conjure up a demon from hell by mistake and must deal with the consequences."

I'm thinking it's not going to be the most accurate movie that includes LARPing.

I think that's happened at almost every game I've been to, JP. Are you saying your games won't involve actually conjuring up demons?
Druk said:
Are you saying your games won't involve actually conjuring up demons?

Can't Demons are religious in nature. They're called "Extra Planar Creatures" :p

Here is a short comment from a friend of mine and the president of the LARP Alliance who was on set the entire shooting time to keep things as close to LARPing as possible. Note that this was the same person who was on the set for Role Models. I should also note that there were 3 LARP consultants (people who are deep into the hobby and contribute well) as well as LARPers for NPC's.

"Probably the most amazing experience I've had in my life thus far related to promoting our hobby. Adrianne and I worked as a team on different sides of the camera. We both believe that this movie will have the largest impact on mainstream media and the hobby to date. It shows a more complete LARP experience, with characters, abilities, NPCs, Storyline, Plot Lead and his team, and some really great looking props that are featured as the LARP background. We can't divulge too much information, but the actors were really respectful of us and our knowledge (Peter Dinklage told Joe Lynch that if the movie mocked our hobby, he wasn't interested in doing it). We revieved hugs and kudos from all of the principle cast, and the last day of the shoot I couldn't stop tearing up."
I've been doing this for a long time (since 1996), so, over that period, I've found some workable explanations.

I usually tell them that it's kind of like Paintball, but with padded swords, meets the Ren Faire. For more lengthy discussions, especially with people skeptical of the idea...I usually ask, "Do you know what is hugely popular where people dress up in makeup and crazy costumes? Football games. And Fantasy Football? You're basically roleplaying, pretending to be a team owner/manager." That usually opens some minds to the idea.

I add to that, that there are firefighters, business managers, members of the army Airborne, police officers, etc, who play the game. And that we have chapters all over the county, and it's something that I helped create.
Never been afraid to tell people what I do.
Used to tell people I played DnD, then paintball, then LARP (DnD with foam swords), and all the other stuff...

I used to get the oddest looks for all of it. I got 2 friends into DnD, 10 into paintball (group was all doctors, nurses, coroners, and med students of various levels)...never got anyone into LARP...yet.
What I find odd is that I've met d&d table top gamers who think LARPing is goofy. Which seems strange to me that, of all people, they'd be the most likely to be open to it, since LARPs are basically an extension of the table top game.
Von Raven said:
What I find odd is that I've met d&d table top gamers who think LARPing is goofy. Which seems strange to me that, of all people, they'd be the most likely to be open to it, since LARPs are basically an extension of the table top game.

I hear you there. The people who play WoW like a full-time job and look down on LARP amuse me as well. I think a part of it is that the White Wolf LARPs that were rather popular a few years back gave the impression that it was all about standing around pretending to be angsty and resolving combat with rock-paper-scissors.
Wraith said:
the White Wolf LARPs that were rather popular a few years back gave the impression that it was all about standing around pretending to be angsty and resolving combat with rock-paper-scissors.

Lol. I never understood that. Why not use playing cards instead? Anything's better than the visual of black clad vampires resolving conflicts with Rock, Paper, Scissors. :lol: