How to save a life


There seems to be a lack of people able to first aid...
This is one of the most useful of all skills, and relatively easy for ANYONE to learn.
Even when you are out of your other skills... you can still first aid the fallen!

Please, take the tiny amount of time necessary to learn this very valuable skill!
I am willing to teach any that may need it!
Free of charge of course!

The Healer's Guild also offers training. And I would be happy to offer my hand in this endeavor of how to fix those around you as well as see if they are still able to be fixed without a life spell.

May you find inspiration on your journey,

Eve Rosenfeld
Sister of the Brotherhood of LifeStorm
Apprentice of the Greater Earth Guild of Terna
Apprenticed to Lord Barrister Enan Bluewater
Healer of the Broken Lands
Healer of the Earth Guild of Gaden
I can't teach, so don't talk to me and ask me.

I am a fighter. I fight. BUT even I know (and how!) the importance of first aid. I also offer up my services as a teacher should you need this skill. It just may be my life you save with it!
If anyone would like to learn I can teach them.

Lady FallingStar
Hmmm... Perhaps it's time to remind Nom that the Squishables have been vaguely planning a special day of teaching for some time now...
Not to distract from the conversation, but Eve Rosenfeld, would you be able to teach me more about the art of healing? I've only started down the path of a healer and have recently been made aware of the second circle of Earth magic, but that has done nothing but kindle my curiosity to the other circles. If the Healers guild would also be able to provide a quote on a spellbook with some choice Earth Spells, I would be more than happy to pay for its services.

I will prepare a full earth book for you.
I believe the cost is approximately 5 gold.
I will verify such when I am preparing it.

~Lady Ahlana Antaro Silverbane

I would be more than happy to teach you.

May you find inspiration on your journey,

Eve Rosenfeld
Sister of the Brotherhood of LifeStorm
Journeymen of the Greater Earth Guild of Terna
Healer of the Broken Lands
Healer of the Earth Guild of Gaden