Howl of Remembrance


A long howl echoes across the endless vastness of the dreaming, the mysts and the in-between, touching at the crux of where realities join and fold away to begin anew. The howl resounds with such a clarity of force; an indomitable will driving a burning, needful message. Evoking a cascade of memories. A resounding chorus of remembrance. A reminder echoing throughout all the dreamtime, and beyond. And from within the howl, a familiar voice calling...

Do not forget who you are; Zehnyu Shanshi.

I miss you. Those who call you friend. Those who call you wife and mate. Those who walk in your foot steps and guard your memory. Your fiends. Your loved ones. Your pride. We all miss you.

You will never fade from this place, our Home. We will call you back and back again. And though they may have taken you away, they can not keep you!

They can never have the memories that make you. That sustain you! The memories of many long, wonderful years. They will never be able to erase you from our hearts and minds; no matter what happens!

Do not think that we will ever stop searching for you until you are home again. We will turn the world over to find you.

I will never forget you. Your every word. Your very will. Those who care about you will inherit that drive. And with it, we will find you.

Remember... remember my voice. Phedre’s scent. The smell of buttercups. Your brother, Kogara. Remember the names of your children. Those fellowships around all those fires. The fields were you, and so many others have together shed blood. Our blood.

I will never stop searching for you, until I bring you back home. Back home to the pack. To your Pride. So remember my words and oath. Remember all that you are and all that you have. All that you have to come home to.

Endure! Choose to exist. Choose to not fade away!

Your wife needs you. Your family needs you. Your friends need you. I need you, so please don't go...

Don’t let these precious memories go. Don’t forsake the future. The memories left untold.

Life is the future, not the past. And there is still life yet to live! Remember you have a future, no matter what they do to you. Remember.

Let these words reach you and remind you of who you are. Remember to never stop fighting! Fight with everything you are!

We are coming for you, I swear it. Whatever happens - However hard. However far - We will find you. No matter what.

Do not fade. Always remember...

I will find you.
We will bring you home.
Foolish, mortal wolfkin-- she is ours now and soon you all will forget about Zhenyu "Ghost" Shanshi. It is as sure as the tides or the turning of the seasons.
In the realm of shadow...

she is only scream...
<Phedre's voice is soft and level, much like a stone elf>

The foolish thought in all of this is that her presence will ever be erased from this place or any other.

Those who remember her exist in this time and place, and many others.

Come after all of us, and our memories, and the reason for your attacks against us will ripple outward, carrying her story further.

Can it be that you're creating the very problem you wish to erase?
Rest assured that when my business in Andar is concluded I will find you and you will pay dearly for what you have done.

Zehnyu we are coming, we will find you.

There is a low angry growl and hiss.

We will find her, we know her scent and we know yours, there is no hiding.

We will find you sister of my spirit, always remember that.
There is no place you can keep her where she cannot be found. Her presence has made indellible impressions upon too many other Spirits for her to be forgotten.

We will find you, Ghost. Fear shall hold no power against us.

-Master Valím Bloodclub
Her memory shall live on in this mind for centuries. I shall not forget her, nor shall I give up on helping those who are going in search of her.

Phedre's correct - telling us we will forget her only makes me dig my stubborn Amani heels in even further. I'm going to go teach the Sarr Kitten I met last month all about Zehnyu... again...
There is a long low growl, joining with the other voices in defiance. Where Phedre's voice is soft, Shin's is on the razors edge between rage and serenity. A low growl laced into the weight of his words.

How small your sight must be... How you have forgotten... I will never forget her. And no force in all of creation can change that. That, you know beyond the shadow of doubt.

She has never been, nor will ever be yours.

It is foolish to think that you could ever erase her. Look and see. Each action you take try and erase her only creates a stronger foundation of determination. Only drives us further to substantiate her. To bring her home.

Look. Look at each and every one of the voices here. They are but a fraction. Countless more work and fight to bring her home.

Each voice, like a pebble in the pound - each small ripple echoing outwards touching countless lives. Each building upon the other until it becomes a wave.

Just as sure as the tides, so too will you be washed away.
Of course you cannot forget Zehnyu! Anybody who meet her got a gorbe-shape brand on them brain! I don't know who this guy think he am, sayin' we forget her as sure as tide do thing, but he got it all wrong.

So what is this, then? Somebody got the ball' to be nappin' Zehn?! I feel so bad for that poor, poor numbskull. Must be more dumb than manusia-ling to think that was a good plan. She inspire' people around her with strength of conviction. She gain close companion fast. These people bleed, and die for one another. Also, her mighty wizardess life-mate can bend the mist to her will. She has master' it' mystery. She am bringin' my hitman too. It crazy.

I not worry. I know I will see her again one way or another. We still got a smilin' genocidal maniac to obliterate.

Tetsu, Arkelian Hunter
Zehnyu's allies are everywhere.

Her allies are innumerable.

The only think I see that is as sure as the turning of seasons is the swift and fierce assault that is surely coming your way. The rage of the Gorbe people is not to be toyed with. It is their more fearsome weapon.

If any aid is needed in this endeavor please let word of it come to me. I will see what I lend whatever aid I can to this most worthy of causes.

One Shield; Meaningless Without All Others,
Riddick Dale
A great tusked red bear stomps into the dream trails and snorts before taking the form of Tra'kad son of Peloquinn

Ahahahaha...foolish mortal blah blah blah. Dem so stupid, Zehnyu am immortal in the memory of all da clan she touch. Zehnyu am mighty! Mightier even than Tra'kad son of Warchief Peloquinn of Clan Red Bear. Every swing of my axe holds the teaching of Master Zehnyu. The Red Paw smashes in your honor Zehnyu. Soon we will meet again outside the dream trails and I will throw you claws outstretched at our enemies. Ok, Shaman, Tra'kad ready to leave dream trail now. ............Shaman? How am getting out of here? Phedre, do Tra'kad leave dream trail.
OOG (Hey guys I think people are forgetting, but it is technically required that folks posting in the dream realms (aka IG forums) sign their name so as to be identifiable IG and not posting anonymously.)
Dreamingfurther said:
OOG (Hey guys I think people are forgetting, but it is technically required that folks posting in the dream realms (aka IG forums) sign their name so as to be identifiable IG and not posting anonymously.)

(Or have it in their sig file, or as their account name, as most (if not all) of these people do.)
<Phedre's tone warms slightly, but still has far less inflection that usual.>

Tra'kad, who left you to wander around alone? Did Eliden at least give you any color coded vials before you went gallivanting about? C'mon, kitchen orc. I bet you've got dishes to do. If I get back and the tavern's still standing, and clean, I might make cookies. And I bake high-orc-sized cookies, with just enough dough to hold the chips together. Readysetgo!

As for your teacher, my wife, Kogara's sister, adopter of the misfit toys, friend to countless adventurers living and dead:
We will find you. There is a solution for every problem, and this is no different. That rope will be back on your shoulder.

I promise you that.

Do not be angry

It is the way it has always been...when those living are among us too long

Collapse into despair…that we may feed

She is now us, no longer yours, no longer named

Let go…
We will never let go. Never.

Perhaps if I was solely motivated here by anger this would be easier, but that is not the case.

We will find Zehnyu, she will know us for who we are. We will free her from your vile touch.

She will never be forgotten. She lives in my memories for as long as I am gifted to walk the realm of the living, be that the centuries my blood can allow or less due to the violent life I live. Either way, even when my time among the living has passed, her memories will live on with those of my people eternally. Never faded, never gone, only a stone's breadth away.

There are many voices here I do not recognize, but I have no doubt in the caliber of their character if they call Zehnyu friend. I would travel the mists and lend you my sword if I am able. Merely name a place and a time.

-Gwendara Alanik
::a mocking laugh erupts into the dream world::

I'm sorry, misty, mysterious voice - did you just say you consumed... a GORBE... and that will somehow eliminate her from the world???

::more laughter:: You're just completely uneducated, eh? No, probably just stupid.

Bad guys... I swear you just get a manual on how to attempt to mock or otherwise demoralize we adventurers. I really wish the author of said manual would make a new edition, because the lines just get lamer every time I hear them.

~Alyssa Darksnow
Amani Healer
Arkelian Hunt
Stubborn Bitch


Out of compassion
For those who loved her
We reach out

We do not mock you
Nor your love
We do not bait you
Nor wish you harm

She has returned to us
And is home

Were she to live
You would see
She is not
Who you have known

We have only pity
For the living
Who cannot
Let go

But you may dare
And take her
Like all before you

You will regret
What you have done...