I am a Count!

Re: I am a Knight!


xkcd is the best webcomic ever.
Re: I am a Knight!

hehehehehe to weird....i dont get many comics here :( i miss bloom county
Re: I am a Knight!

xkcd is on the web. The Web has great comics... of course that's another thread entirely, I think.
Re: I am a Knight!

usually comic strips make me smile but bloom county actually had a strip running for a while where i was laughing out loud for so long and so loud i thought something was wrong with me for a while HEHEHEHEHEH
Re: I am a Knight!

not in something like 20 years ;-)
Re: I am a Knight!

They did this comparison between George W. Bush and every other president in history. I was told to bring it in for my AP Govt. class to peruse....should be funny.
Re: I am a Knight!

i have never seen a mad magazine but i do love mad libs....is that the same company?
Re: I am a Knight!

Tzydl Zhitelava said:
i have never seen a mad magazine but i do love mad libs....is that the same company?

Not even close.
Re: I am a Knight!

Mad magazine kicks more *** by far! Even though they have something similar in some of their issues.
Re: I am a Knight!

The first thing I always did with MAD, sometimes before leaving the store, was go to back cover and fold it the right way to get the hidden picture. I love that bit.
Re: I am a Knight!

doverman said:
I would immediately flip through for all of the spy vs spy

That would be second for me.

Running a close third are the little comics in the margins every few pages.
Re: I am a Knight!

i think i need to go buy a mad magazine now....
Re: I am a Knight!

I used to get MAD Magazine every month as a kid and early teen, then my Halloween issue was stolen from my desk at school. I haven't read them since. :(
Re: I am a Knight!

Most of my MADs were taken by teachers. Then I would steal them back only to find the fold in done and the mad lib filled out. :(
Re: I am a Knight!

You should sue.