I am in need of help


My illness has almost over taken me. Blood pours from my eyes and the only relief I see is a tasty berry. A tasty berry for some fearse woodland creature. I may not be able to fight them on my own or even at all. I only seek the berries. If you can help please meet me Friday night as it is worsening by the day.

I would not see some woodland creature murdered.

Perhaps there is another way we can get this berry. Have you considered just asking trees for it?

Maybe Mathis and I can help.

Order of the Emerald Flame
Murdering is the last resort. If we can get in and out without fighting it may work. The info I am going on is the berries make the creatures more powerful. Mathis may be able to tree hop if we create a diversion. I have things that could help with that.

I don't know Pyke, in my studies I haven't experienced berries curing blood from the eyes. Is it one eye or both? Did you perhaps knick yourself shaving? (I'm not real sure how selective fur growth works on Mystics).

As far as berries go, I can bring you some to help you feel better and less hungry, but unless Belfry coats them they won't heal physical wounds. But they might work like when you are sad and eat a cookie to feel better. Might that help?

This is a magical in nature and I know how to cure it but I may find a use for it in the end. This is just to subdue the affects of the problem and not to cure it.

Is this the same illness from the Ooze in the dwarven mines? Where it was cured with destroying magical effects?
Did we not find an item of sufficient power, or will that no longer work?

Same illness and I didn't find any item that I was willing to sacrifice powerful enough. The information I got is that these berries will suppress the illness at least for a little bit.

It wont help you now, but I can give you a voucher for a Foundry Golem. I wouldn't destroy it in front of them, but it should probably be enough if the berries are not a long term fix.

It may work. Have been hoping to be useful if we came across a large bad artifact that needed to be destroyed.

Ahh I see.
Have you spoken to Count Ko recently?

Have not had the time. The last time I seen him he was a shadow killing things. But that's another mystery to be solved.

Might be worth a moment of your time, he's around and needs something destroyed.

My illness has almost over taken me. Blood pours from my eyes and the only relief I see is a tasty berry.

Well if the berries don't work out, I know a guy who would be more than happy to put you out of your misery for a few copper. Just sayin'...

Yer countin' on a spooky shadowy murder guy, eh? Not sure why you'd do something like that 'nless you're tryin' to get into some trouble. Be careful 'round them critters though, they get real sensitive 'bout them berries, protecting them more than their nests at this point!
I don't have much and anything we find there is everyone else's to split. I just seek the berries.

I'm looking to be paid in berries, of the Power variety. You can't find super fruits and just "let me find" whatever a bunch of Chipmunks have lying around!
The blood eyes come with great sacrifice. I have been near death for almost 5 months now. I have grown week and will surely die if not ridded of this soon.

You've been dying for FIVE months? Your Constitution must be extra tough!!
If you die can I have your liver, I read this neat book and could really use a stout liver like yours.
Or,or,or can you pay for berry retrival with some liver? You should be fine if it's only a couple peices!
Don't know if it works that way with organs and such but berries I think we can make a deal with them. Not sure what all they will do for you but I can see what I can concoct out of it. Being a master alchemist I think I could figure out a way
