I know this is short notice but

our ride cant come so is anyone near sugarplum apts. (south airport and garfield) that can fit 2 people and a large box?
It depends on the size of your box. I have to drop off my kids right near there so I'll have some room after that.
it looks like we may have a ride but just to be safe it is about 3.5 ft. by 1.5 feet. when is the earliest we can show up? just in case we wanna help set up or anything
That should fit :) You can be on site at 6. Right now I don't know if anybody else will be there before that with things to set up.
ok. I'll message on here early tomorrow if i do need the ride :P and I suppose we will be there at 6. I have eagerly been awaiting this since october
PMing you my cell phone. Not positive what time I'm dropping the kiddo off, but I'm supposed to be out of work at 5:30.