

NEPA Staff
My friends,

This recent year has been difficult. Powers beyond us have transformed the world we knew. So much has been lost or altered yet many of us remain.

We stand now because we have come together. We have stood as one in so many ways. We stand because of sacrifice and sweat. Blood and effort and an unbreakable will.

You are why we stand.

Now with winter coming we have a chance. The Forrest has stopped growing.. The spracta are much less of a threat. Now we can begin retaking what once was. We can make a better world for us and for our children.

First we must care for one another. Food, shelter, clothing. These things are paramount. I ask that if you are able bodied. Be you an adventurer or no. If you want to make a difference in this world reach out to me.

We have survived not just the dragons, we have pushed through the darkness and now because of you we can see the light.

More information will come as volunteers step forward and activities are set in place. I am honored to stand beside so many of you.

Vigilance and Valor,
Baron Marcusagrim Anvilstrike
Baron Grim,

On behalf of Imladar, you do not stand alone.
We shall rebuild this world together and protect it from those who threaten to take that peace from us.
On my feaesa, I swear this oath to the people of Imladar and Icenia.

Squire Altohtaro Armand
Northern Imladar Regional Command - Special Forces Division, Ohtar
Imladari Ambassador Pro Tempore to the Duchy of Ashbury
Squire Altohtaro,

You are welcome in my halls. You and your people are welcome at my hearth. Imladar does not stand alone. Tell us what you need and we will help our allies.

Vigilance and Valor, Squire
Baron Grim

I had planned on making my number one priority to find my family that was displaced by the Spracta. Thanks to the honorable Sir Ulthoc I have received word that they are alive and well. With that lofty goal out of the way, I will make my skills available for the good of the nation. Tracking, hunting, fighting and even a small amount of teaching. Whatever I can provide is at you disposal.

As always my blade, my mind, and my heart are in service to the betterment of our peoples. I will do whatever is needed.

-Squire Gwendara Alanik
Baron Grim,

The Nine Towers Legion stands at the ready.

Captain Hogrim Earthblade
Ian, there's a great deal you can help with.

Squire, you are already doing what needs to be done. Thank you for stepping forward.

Captain Hogrim,
The Legion is welcome and your aid is needed.

We all have much to do to rebuild.
If there is anything that I can do please let me know. This war has cost many dearly and anything that I can do to aid those who have survived, I will do gladly.

Sergeant Bolli
Sergeant Bolo,
It will be an honor to have your aid.
Baron Grimm,

I will speak with the Baroness and the tribal council. I shall see who we can send to help teach others hunting, trapping and foraging in this type of terrain. It is a new forest to explore, but still may have dangers.

In Service

Kiergani of Athra Tribe
Squire of the Ash Forest
Very wise. I know Baron of Norden was working to similar ends. We have much to do and learn.
I've got gear that'll keep me warm and dry in the snow, mate. I'll be chopping wood all winter, around the refugee camps. There's plenty of growth that can be cleared out.

-Vincent Tarethial
((OOG Heya everyone. The time has come for winter write up submissions. If you want to be part of winter actions and work with others as listed above , email me Also list the character and what you eanna do and we will figure stuff out. ))