Idea for LCO: MI


I recently picked up this


I was looking for a good suggestion on if I were to have it be a LCO MI.
Lol. You realize that now I'll have to go buy a new and better fan, right? Can't have a dark elf showing me up.

That thing looks pretty full of awesome though, cool find!

Oh, and to answer your q...

I have no idea.
you're gonna have to decode that acronym for me. LCO MI? Leftist collision of Muppet Inbreds? Lunchtime conveniently offered mid instant? I need a bit of a hint.
Awesome fan! Jamina certainly started something didn't she? :lol:
oh, thanks for decoding that.

Repel, Shun or Disarm spells seem to make the most sense to me. or even Wall of force, but that feels like a stretch.

if you go off of the image of the fan I feel like a life spell of sorts would be justified. the portrayal of the Phoenix keeping back the dragon of death. like its telling the story of its power.
Why not just keep it a nifty character prop?

After all, magic item reps can be stolen.
Resist poison, using the fan to block your face from the gas ;)
Wraith said:
Why not just keep it a nifty character prop?

After all, magic item reps can be stolen.

Yeah, what he said. I wouldn't wanna lose that. It's too nifty.
Perhaps a Reflect Magic (flaw: have to have it fanned out to call Reflect), or a Cloak Flame?

Or maybe you could do a spellstrike flame spell option when the fan is closed and a defense (or the Repel/Shun) when its fanned out?

I also liked the Life idea given the depiction. If you go with that you could maybe add a flaw that you have to fan the target to activate the spell.
Nah go with 2/day Shield!
29/day Cure Disease. Simple as that. :D
99/e Dodge...and come up with a good story as to why its not an even 100...
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
29/day Cure Disease. Simple as that. :D

Well, you can't get an item over 20 rits (including extender)... even if you're with Brent. Well, unless it's an artifact...
what about a 1/day destroy that can only target pants?

:bad guy strolls up: oooh you look hot... you should take those off :fanning motion toward bad guy.... POOF pants be gone: what the? :kill him in the confusion:
3/day charm
3/day silence
3/day paralysis
3/day death

Call it the love fan. :)